EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTION OF 4 JUNE 2009 ==================================================================================== Source: Ministry of the Interior VOTING BY MEMBER STATE ==================================================================================== SPAIN ==================================================================================== Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * CE - Coalicion por Europa - Coalition for Europe): affiliated with the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) * EP-LV - Europa de los Pueblos – Los Verdes (Europe of the Peoples – The Greens): affiliated with the European Greens/European Free Alliance (Green-EFA) * La Izquierda (The Left): affiliated with the European United Left - Nordic Green Left (EUL-NGL) * PP - Partido Popular (People's Party): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * PSOE - Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party): affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES) * UPD - Union, Progreso y Democracia (Union, Progress and Democracy): unaffiliated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 35,492,567 Votes cast: 15,935,147 44.9 Invalid votes: 319,851 02.0 Valid votes: 15,615,296 98.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coalition for Europe (CE) 808,246 05.2 00.0 2 -1 Europe of the Peoples – The Greens (EP-LV / Green-EFA) 394,938 02.5 1 +1 People's Party (PP / EPP-ED) 6,670,232 42.7 +01.2 23 Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE / PES) 6,141,784 39.3 -04.3 21 -4 The Left (EUL-NGL) 588,248 03.8 -00.3 2 Union, Progress and Democracy (UPD) 451,886 02.9 1 +1 Others 559,962 03.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 15,615,296 50 -4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------