EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTION OF 4 JUNE 2009 ==================================================================================== Source: Slovenian government website VOTING BY MEMBER STATE ==================================================================================== SLOVENIA ==================================================================================== Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * LDS - Liberalna Demokracija Slovenije (Liberal Democracy of Slovenia): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * NS - Nova Slovenija (New Slovenia): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * SD - Socialnih Demokratov (Social-Democrats): affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES) * SDS - Slovenska Demokratska Stranka (Slovene Democratic Party): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * Z-NP - Zares - Nova politika (For Real - New Politics): affiliated with the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDRP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 1,669,755 Votes cast: 481,484 28.8 Invalid votes: 18,585 03.9 Valid votes: 462,899 96.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Real - New Politics (Z-NP / ELDRP) 45,237 09.8 1 +1 New Slovenia (NS / EPP-ED) 76,497 16.5 -07.0 1 -1 Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (LDS / EPP-ED) 53,212 11.5 -10.4 1 -1 Slovene Democratic Party (SDS / EPP-ED) 123,369 26.6 +08.9 2 Social Democrats (SD / PES) 85,402 18.5 +04.3 2 +1 Other 79,182 17.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 462,899 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------