EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTION OF 4 JUNE 2009 ==================================================================================== Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic VOTING BY MEMBER STATE ==================================================================================== SLOVAKIA ==================================================================================== Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * KDH - Krestjansko Demokraticke Hnutie (Christian Democratic Movement): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * LS-HZDS - Ljudova Strana – Hnutie za Demokraticke Slovensko (People's Party – Movement for a Democratic Slovakia) * SDKU - Slovenska Demokraticka a Krestjanska Unia (Slovak Christian Democratic Union): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * Smer-SD - Smer – Socialna Demokracia (Direction – Social Democracy): affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES) * SMK - Strana Madjarskej Koalicie (Party of the Hungarian Coalition): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * SNS - Slovenska Narodna Strana (Slovak National Party): unaffiliated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 4,345,773 Votes cast: 853,533 19.6 Invalid votes: 26,751 03.1 Valid votes: 826,782 96.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Democratic Movement (KDH / EPP) 89,905 10.9 -05.3 2 -1 Direction – Social Democracy (Smer-SD / PES) 264,723 32.0 +15.1 5 +2 Party of the Hungarian Coalition (SMK / EPP) 93,750 11.3 -01.9 2 People's Party – Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (LS-HZDS) 74,241 09.0 -08.0 1 -2 Slovak Christian Democratic Union (SDKU / EPP-ED) 140,426 17.0 -00.1 2 -1 Slovak National Party 45,960 05.6 1 +1 Others 117,777 14.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 826,782 13 -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------