EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTION OF 4 JUNE 2009 ==================================================================================== Source: VOTING BY MEMBER STATE ==================================================================================== LUXEMBOURG ==================================================================================== Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Chrëstchtlech Sozial Vollkspartei (Christian Social People's Party, CSV): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * Déi Gréng (The Greens, DG): affiliated with the European Greens–European Free Alliance (EG-EFA) * Demokratesch Partei Lëtzebuerg (Democratic Party of Luxembourg, DPL): affiliated with the European Liberal Democratic and Reform Party (ELDRP) * Lëtzeburger Socialistesch Aarbechterpartei (Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party, LSAP): affiliated with theParty of European Socialists (PES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 240,673 Votes cast: 218,423 90.8 Invalid votes: 20,059 09.2 Valid votes: 198,364 90.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Social People's Party (CSV / EPP-ED) 351,223 31.3 -05.8 3 The Greens (DG / Green-EFA) 188,637 16.8 +01.8 1 Democratic Party of Luxembourg (DPL / ELDRP) 209,123 18.6 +03.7 1 Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party (LSAP / PES) 218,532 19.5 -03.5 1 Others 153,790 13.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,121,305 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Luxembourg electoral system allows each voter to cast as many votes as there are members to be elected. These figures show the number of votes cast for each party, not the number of voters who cast them.