EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTION OF 4 JUNE 2009 ==================================================================================== Source: Finnish Justice Ministry VOTING BY MEMBER STATE ==================================================================================== FINLAND ==================================================================================== Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * KD - Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * KESK - Suomen Keskusta (Finnish Centre Party): affiliated with the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDRP) * KOK - Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Rally): affiliated with the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) * PS - Perussuomalaiset (True Finns): unaffiliated * SFP - Svenska Folkpartiet (Swedish People's Party): affiliated with the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDRP) * SSDP - Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Finnish Social Democratic Party): affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES) * VAS - Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance): affiliated with the United European Left - Nordic Green Left (UEL-NGL) * VIHR - Vihreät (Greens): affiliated with the European Greens–European Free Alliance (EG-EFA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registered voters: 4,332,457 Votes cast: 1,661,275 41.1 Invalid votes: 5,654 00.3 Valid votes: 1,655,621 99.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Change Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Democrats (KD / EPP) 69,467 04.2 1 +1 Finnish Centre Party (KESK / ELDRP) 316,530 19.0 -04.3 3 -1 Finnish Social Democratic Party (SSDP / PES) 291,355 17.5 -03.7 2 -1 Greens (VIHR / EG-EFA) 206,167 12.4 +02.0 2 +1 Left Alliance (VAS / UEL-NGL) 98,594 05.9 -03.2 - -1 National Rally (KOK / EPP-ED) 385,610 23.2 -00.5 3 -1 Swedish People's Party (SFP / ELDRP) 101,389 06.1 +00.4 1 True Finns (PS) 162,571 09.8 1 +1 Others 23,941 01.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,655,621 13 -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------