KINGDOM OF DENMARK LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 13 NOVEMBER 2007 ================================================================== Elections to the Folketing (People's Diet) Source: Danish Interior Ministry website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * DF - Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People's Party) * ERG - Enhedslisten de Rød-Grønne (Unity List-The Red Greens) * KF - Konservative Folkeparti (Conservative People's Party) * NA - Ny Alliance (New Alliance) * RV - Radikale Venstre (Radical Left) * SD - Socialdemokratiet i Danmark (Social Democracy in Denmark) * SF - Socialistisk Folkeparti (Socialist People's Party) * VDLP - Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (Left, Liberal Party of Denmark) The Folketing has 179 members. Of these, 135 are elected by proportional representation at the county level, while another 40 are allocated to the parties based on votes aggregated to the regional level. An additional four members are elected to represent Greenland and the Faroe Islands. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ==================================================================================================== Votes and seats are compared with those won at the elections of February 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 4,022,920 Total votes cast: 3,483,533 86.6 Invalid votes: 24,113 00.7 Valid votes: 3,459,420 99.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- County Regional Total Party Votes % Change Seats Seats Seats Change ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Danish People's Party (DF) 479,532 13.9 +00.7 20 5 25 +01 Unity List-The Red Greens (ERG) 74,982 02.2 +01.2 1 3 4 -02 Conservative People's Party (KF) 359,404 10.4 +00.1 11 7 18 00 New Alliance (NA) 97,295 02.8 - 5 5 +05 Radical Left (RV) 177,161 05.1 -04.1 3 6 9 -08 Social Democracy in Denmark (SD) 881,037 25.5 -00.4 41 4 45 -02 Socialist People's Party (SF) 450,975 13.0 +07.0 19 4 23 +12 Left, Liberal Party of Denmark (VDLP) 908,472 26.2 -02.9 40 6 46 -06 Others 30,562 00.9 - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,459,420 135 40 175 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members for Faroe and Greenland 44,369 4 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,503,789 139 40 179 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL SUMMARY OF PARTY BLOCS ==================================================================================================== County Regional Total Party Votes % Change Seats Seats Seats Change ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Government supporters (VDLP+KF+DF) 1,747,408 50.5 -03.8 71 18 89 -05 Opposition (SD+RV+SF+ERG) 1,584,155 45.8 +01.4 64 17 81 00 Others 127,857 03.7 +02.4 - 5 5 +05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,459,420 135 40 175 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------