REPUBLIC OF CROATIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 11 SEPTEMBER 2016 ========================================================================================= Elections to the Zastupnicki Dom (House of Representatives) Source: State Electoral Commission Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * HDSSB - Hrvatski Demokratski Sabor Slavonije i Baranje (Croatian Democratic Assembly of Slavonija and Baranja) * HDZ - Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica (Croatian Democratic Community) * IDS - Istarski Demokratski Sabor (Istrian Democratic Assembly) * MNL - Most Nezavisnih Lista (Bridge of Independent Lists) * SDPH - Socialdemokratska Partija Hrvatske (Social Democratic Party of Croatia) * SRS - Stranka Rada I Solidarnosti (Labour and Solidarity Coalition) * ZZ - Živi Zid (Human Blockade) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ========================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 3,552,502 Votes cast: 1,940,411 54.6 Invalid votes: 37,166 01.9 Valid votes: 1,903,245 98.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party or coalition Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Croatian Democratic Assembly of S and B (HDSSB) 23,573 01.2 -00.1 1 -01 Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ) and allies 694,904 36.5 -00.8 61 +05 Istrian Democratic Assembly and allies (IDS-PGS-RI) 40,725 02.1 +00.3 3 Bridge of Independent Lists (MNL) 187,277 09.8 -03.1 13 -06 Social Democratic Party (SDPH) and allies 636,602 33.4 +01.8 54 -02 Labour and Solidarity Coalition (SRS) 76,990 04.0 +00.8 2 Human Blockade (ZZ) 117,208 06.2 +02.2 7 +06 Others 125,966 06.6 - Minority representatives 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,903,245 151 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolments and vote totals do not include voters for ethnic minority representatives.