REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF FEBRUARY-APRIL 2022 =================================================================== Source: Nacion Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * FA - Frente Amplio (Braod Front) * LN - Liberacion Nacional (National Liberation) * LP - Liberal Progresista (Progressive Liberal) * NR - Nueva Republica (New Republic) * PSD - Progreso Social Democratico (Social Democratic Progress) * USC - Unidad Social Cristiana (Social Christian Unity) FIRST ROUND: 6 FEBRUARY 2018 =================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY =================================================================== Enrolled voters: 3,541,908 Votes cast: 2,124,088 60.0 Invalid votes: 29,272 01.4 Valid votes: 2,094,816 98.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fabricio Alvarado Munoz NR 311,633 14.9 Rodrigo Chaves Robles PSD 351,453 16.8 Eliecer Feinzaig Mintz LP 259,788 12.3 Jose Maria Figueres Olsen LN 571,518 27.3 Lineth Saborio Chaverri USC 259,767 12.4 Jose Maria Villalta Florez-Estrada FA 182,789 08.7 19 others 157,868 07.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,094,816 -------------------------------------------------------------------