REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 13 MARCH 2022 ======================================================================= Source: Colombian government election website Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * A - Alternativa (Alternative) * AV - Alianza Verde (Green Alliance) * CCE - Coalicion Centro Esperanza (Hope Centre Coalition) * CD - Centro Democratico (Democratic Centre) * CR - Colombia Renaciente (Colombia Reborn) * CRad - Cambio Radical (Radical Change) * GM - Gente en Movimiento (People on the Move) * JC - Juntos por Caldas (Together for Caldas) * LAC - Liga Anticorrupcion (Anti-Corruption League) * MIRA - Movimiento Independiente de RenovaciĆ³n Absoluta (Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation) * NL - Nuevo Liberalismo (New Liberalism) * PCC - Partido Conservador Colombiano (Colombian Conservative Party) * PHC - Pacto Historico Colombia * PLC - Partido Liberal Colombiano (Colombian Liberal Party) * PUG - Partido de la Union por la Gente (Union Party for the People) CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES ======================================================================= NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================= Enrolled voters: 38,819,901 Valid votes: 15,289,898 39.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative (A) 60,737 00.4 2 Green Alliance (AV) 1,099,037 07.2 +05.1 11 +02 Hope Centre Coalition (CCE) 468,948 03.1 2 Democratic Centre (CD) 1,610,666 10.5 -05.6 16 -16 Colombia Reborn (CR) 63,543 00.4 1 Radical Change (CRad) 1,706,960 11.2 -03.3 18 -12 Force of Change Magdalena (FCM) 66,990 00.4 1 People on the Move (GM) 54,557 00.4 1 Together for Caldas (JC) 36,910 00.3 1 Anti-Corruption League (LAC) 166,908 01.1 2 Ind Mvt of Absolute Renovation (MIRA) 477,856 03.1 1 New Liberalism (NL) 280,522 01.8 1 Colombian Conservative Party (PCC) 2,314,926 15.1 +02.8 27 +06 Historic Pact for Colombia (PHC) 2,887,722 18.9 29 Colombian Liberal Party (PLC) 2,401,676 15.7 -01.0 33 -02 Union Party for the People (PUG) 1,463,177 09.6 -05.9 16 -09 Others 128,763 00.9 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,289,898 162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SENATE ======================================================================= NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================= Enrolled voters: 38,819,901 Valid votes: 15,813,657 40.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Green-Hope Centre Coalition (AV-CCE) 1,956,985 12.4 +04.0 14 +05 Democratic Centre (CD) 1,929,370 12.2 -13.9 14 -05 Radical Change (CRad) 1,610,656 10.2 -03.6 11 -05 Ind Mvt of Absolute Renovation (MIRA) 591,366 03.7 4 Colombian Conservative Party (PCC) 2,213,528 14.0 +01.6 16 +02 Historic Pact for Colombia (PHC) 2,302,847 14.6 16 Colombian Liberal Party (PLC) 2,074,408 13.1 +00.9 15 +01 Union Party for the People (PUG) 1,506,134 09.5 -02.4 10 -04 Others 1,628,363 10.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,813,657 100 -----------------------------------------------------------------------