REPUBLIC OF CHILE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2021 ==================================================================== Source: Chilean government website Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------- * AD - Apruebo Dignidad (Approve Dignity) a coalition of: * CD - Chile Digno (Worthy Chile) (a front for the Partido Comunista de Chile (Communist Party of Chile) * FA - Frente Amplio (Broad Front) * PI - Partido Igualdad (Equality Party) * CPM - Chile Podemos Mas (Chile We Can Do More) * FSC - Frente Social Cristiano (Christian Social Front) a coalition of: * PCC - Partido Conservador Cristiano (Christian Conservative Party) * PR - Partido Republicano (Republican Party) * NPS - Nuevo Pacto Social (New Social Pact) a coalition of: * PDC - Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Christian Democratic Party) * PPD - Partido por la Democracia (Party for Democracy) * PR - Partido Radical (Radical Party) * PSC - Partido Socialista de Chile (Socialist Party of Chile) * PdG - Partido de la Gente (Party of the People) * PP - Partido Progresista (Progressive Party) * PU - Union Patriotica (Patriotic Union) (a front for the Partido Comunista Chileno (Accion Proletaria) (Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)) FIRST ROUND: 21 NOVEMBER 2021 ==================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY ==================================================================== Voting age population: 15,030,963 Votes cast: 7,114,794 47.3 Invalid votes: 88,192 01.2 Valid votes: 7,026,602 98.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Eduardo Artes Brichetti PU 103,202 01.5 Gabriel Boric Font AD 1,814,777 25.8 Marco Enriquez-Ominami Gumucio PP 534,252 07.6 Jose Antonio Kast Rist FSC 1,961,387 27.9 Franco Parisi Fernandez PdG 899,230 12.8 Yasna Provoste Campillay NPS 815,429 11.6 Sebastian Sichel Ramirez CPM 898,325 12.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,026,602 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND ROUND: 17 DECEMBER 2021 ==================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY ==================================================================== Voting age population: 15,030,963 Votes cast: 8,364,534 55.7 Invalid votes: 94,216 01.1 Valid votes: 8,270,318 98.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabriel Boric Font AD 4,620,671 55.9 Jose Antonio Kast Rist FSC 3,649,647 44.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,270,318 --------------------------------------------------------------------