CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 27 DECEMBER 2020 ================================================================================ Source: National Election Authority (ANE) website Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MCU - Mouvement Coeurs Unis (United Hearts Movement) * MLPC - Mouvement pour la Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People) * RDC - Rassemblement Démocratique Centrafricain (Democratic Rally of Central Africa) * URC - Union pour le Renouveau Centrafricain (Union for Central African Renewal) NATIONAL SUMMARY ================================================================================ Registered voters: 910,784 * Votes cast: 695,019 76.3 Invalid votes: 52,063 07.5 Valid votes: 642,956 92.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Augustin Agou 9,009 01.4 Jean-Serge Bokassa 8,907 01.4 Anicet Georges Dologuele URC 135,081 21.0 Mahamat Kamoun 7,833 01.2 Desire Nzanga Bilal Kolingba RDC 24,381 03.8 Benderet Crepin Mboli-Goumba 20,298 03.2 Alexandre Ferdinand N'Guendet 6,984 01.1 Sylvain Eugene N Patasse 9,250 01.4 Faustin Archange Touadera MCU 346,687 53.9 Martin Ziguele MLPC 47,948 07.5 7 others 26,578 04.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 642,956 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * At the 2015 election there were 1,954,433 registered voters.