REPUBLIC OF CAPE VERDE LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 20 MARCH 2016 ======================================================================== Source: National Election Commission website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * MPD - Movimento para a Democracia (Movement for Democracy) * PAICV - Partido Africano da Independencia de Cabo Verde (African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde) * UCID - Uniao Caboverdiana Independente e Democratica (Independent Democratic Union of Cape Verde) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Registered voters: 347,622 Votes cast: 229,337 66.0 Invalid votes: 3,774 01.6 Valid votes: 225,563 98.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Movement for Democracy 122,881 54.5 +12.1 40 +8 African Party for the Ind of Cape Verde 86,078 38.2 -14.0 29 -9 Democratic and Ind Cape Verdean Union 15,488 06.9 +02.4 3 +1 Others 1,116 00.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 225,563 72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------