REPUBLIC OF CAMEROUN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 9 OCTOBER 2011 =================================================================== Source: Cameroun media websites Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * ADD - Alliance pour la Démocratie et le Développement (Alliance for Democracy and Development) * PAP - Parti de l'Action Populaire (People's Action Popular) * RDPC - Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (Democratic Rally of the People of Cameroun) * SDF - Front Social Democrate (Social Democratic Front) * UDC - Union Démocratique du Cameroun (Cameroun Democratic Union) NATIONAL SUMMARY =================================================================== Registered voters: 7,251,651 Votes cast: 4,951,434 68.3 Invalid votes: 114,185 02.3 Valid votes: 4,847,249 97.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Abine Ayah PAP 61,158 01.3 Paul Biya RDPC 3,772,527 77.8 Ni John Fru Ndi SDF 518,175 10.7 Garga Haman Adji ADD 155,348 03.2 Adamou Ndam Njoya UDC 83,860 01.7 18 other candidates 256,181 05.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,847,249 -------------------------------------------------------------------