REPUBLIC OF CAMEROUN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 11 OCTOBER 2004 =================================================================== Source: Cameroun government website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * ADD - Alliance pour la Démocratie et le Développement (Alliance for Democracy and Development) * RDPC - Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (Democratic Rally of the People of Cameroun) * SDF - Front Social Democrate (Social Democratic Front) * UDC - Union Démocratique du Cameroun (Cameroun Democratic Union) NATIONAL SUMMARY =================================================================== Registered voters: 4,701,953 Votes cast: 3,738,759 79.5 Invalid votes: 167,537 04.5 Valid votes: 3,571,222 95.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------- Garga Haman Adji ADD 53,307 01.5 Paul BIYA RDPC 2,686,693 75.2 Ni John Fru Ndi SDF 611,462 17.1 Adamou Ndam Njoya UDC 168,074 04.7 8 other candidates 51,686 01.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,571,222 -------------------------------------------------------------------