REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 21 JULY 2015 ================================================================== Source: Burundi Independent national Election Commission (CENI) Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * CNDD-FDD - Conseil National Pour la Défense de la Démocratie – Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie (National Council for the Defense of Democracy–Forces for the Defense of Democracy) * COPA - Coalition pour la Paix en Afrique (Coalition for Peace in Africa) * FRODEBU - Front Démocratique du Burundi (Democratic Front of Burundi) * FROLINA - Front de Libération Nationale (National Liberation Front) * PALIPEHUTU - Parti pour la Libération du Peuple Hutu (Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People) * RANAC - Rassemblement National pour le Changement (National Rally for Change) * UPRONA - Union pour le Progrès National (Union for National Progress) NATIONAL SUMMARY ================================================================== Enrolled voters: 3,848,119 Votes cast: 2,826,072 73.4 Invalid votes: 172,010 06.1 Valid votes: 2,654,062 93.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jacques Bigirimana FROLINA 28,609 01.0 Jean Minani FRODEBU 38,554 01.4 Jean De Dieu Mutabazi COPA 4,436 00.2 Domitien Ndayizeye RANAC 19,996 00.7 Gerard Nduwayo UPRONA 60,380 02.1 Pierre Nkurunziza CNDD-FDD 1,961,510 69.4 Sylvestre Ntibantungaya 3,952 00.1 Agathon Rwasa PALIPEHUTU 536,625 19.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,654,062 ------------------------------------------------------------------ All the opposition candidates withdrew before polling day, claiming the elections were rigged, but their names remained on the ballot papers.