REPUBLIC OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 7 OCTOBER 2018 ======================================================================================== Elections to the Zastupnicki Dom (House of Representatives) Source: Bosnia-Herzegovina elections website Parties ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A-SDA - Stranka Demokratske Aktivnosti (Party of Democratic Activities) * DF - Demokratska Fronta (Democratic Front) * DNS - Demokratski Narodni Savez (Democratic People's Alliance) * HDZBiH - Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine (Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina) * NB - Nezavisni Blok (Independent Bloc) * NS - Naša Stranka (Our Party) * PDA - Pokret Demokratske Akcije (Movement of Democratic Action) * PDP - Partija Demokratskog Progresa (Party of Democratic Progress) * SDA - Stranka Demokratske Akcije (Party of Democratic Action) * SPDBiH - Socijaldemokratska Partija Bosne i Hercegovine (Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina) * SBB - Savez Za Bolju Buducnost BiH (Union for a Better Future of BiH) * SDS - Srpska Demokratska Stranka (Serbian Democratic Party) * SNS - Srpska Napredna Stranka (Serbian Progressive Party) * SNSD - Stranka Nezavisnih Socijaldemokrata (Party of Independent Social Democrats) * SP - Socijalisticka Partija (Socialist Party) The House of Representatives consists of 42 members, of whom 30 are elected by proportional representation from eight districts, and 12 are on a national basis as "compensatory mandates." NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 3,355,429 Total votes cast: 1,812,960 54.0 Invalid votes: 156,444 08.6 Valid votes: 1,656,516 91.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats Party Votes % A B C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party of Democratic Activities (A-SDA) 30,482 01.8 +00.4 1 - 1 Democratic Front (DF) 96,174 05.8 -03.4 3 - 3 -2 Democratic People's Alliance (DNS) 69,289 04.2 +01.9 1 - 1 Croatian Democratic Union (HDZBiH) 149,872 09.0 +01.5 5 - 5 Independent Bloc (NB) 41,512 02.5 1 - 1 +1 Our Party (NS) 48,401 02.9 1 1 2 +2 Movement of Democratic Action (PDA) 38,417 02.3 1 - 1 +1 Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) 83,832 05.1 +02.0 1 1 2 +1 Union for a Better Future of BiH (SBB) 68,993 04.2 -04.6 - 2 2 -2 Party of Democratic Action (SDA) 256,721 15.5 -03.2 6 3 9 Social Democratic Party (SDPBiH) 150,454 09.1 +02.5 3 2 5 +2 Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) 162,414 09.8 -03.2 3 - 3 -2 Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) 265,593 16.0 +00.4 4 2 6 Socialist Party (SP) 31,321 01.9 - 1 1 +1 Others 163,041 09.8 - - - -2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,656,516 30 12 42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats A: elected from the districts Seats B: allocated as compensatory mandates Seats C: Total seats