• Official name: Koninkrijk Belgie / Royaume de Belgique / Konigreich Belgien (Kingdom of Belgium)
• Location: Western Europe
• International organisations: Council of Europe, European Union, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie,
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, United Nations, Western European Union, World
Trade Organisation
• Borders: France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands
• Coastline: North Sea
• Land area: 30,510 Km2
• Population: 10,700,000
• Annual GDP (PPP) per capita: US$36,600 (2009 CIA estimate). World ranking: 22
• Ethnicity: Fleming 58%, Walloon 31%, mixed or other 11%. There is a small German
minority in the eastern border area.
• Languages: Dutch, French and German are the official languages. (The language spoken in Flanders is identical
to Dutch and is officially called Dutch, but some people in Flanders prefer to call it Flemish.) The
French-speakers are usually called Walloons, a word related to "Gaul." English is widely understood.
• Religion: Over 70% of Belgians are at least nominal Catholic Christians, but
religious practice has declined radically. There are small Protestant, Jewish and Moslem
• Form of government: Constitutional monarchy and federal parliamentary democracy.
Belgium is divided into ten provinces. These are grouped into three regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels), which have their
own legislatures and substantial autonomy. In addition Belgium is divided into three Communities (Flemish, Walloon and German),
which have jurisdiction over some cultural matters.
• Capital: Brussels (Bruxelles, Brussel)
• Constitution: The current
Belgian Constitution came into effect on 14 July 1993
• Head of state: King Albert II assumed the throne on 9 August 1993. • Head of government: The Prime Minister, appointed by the King. The Prime
Minister is the leader of the majority coalition in the legislature (though sometimes not actually a party leader), and is accountable to it.
Legislature: Belgium has a bicameral legislature, the
Federal Parliament (Federale Parlement /
Parlement Federale / Foderales Parlament). The Chamber of People's Representatives (Kamer van
Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Representants / Abgeordnetenkammer) has 150 members, elected for
four-year terms by proportional representation. The Senate (Senaat / Senat / Senat) has 71
members. Forty members are elected for four-year terms by proportional representation.
These then elect another 31.
• Electoral authority: The Belgian Interior Ministry administers national elections.
• Freedom House 2011 rating: Political Rights 1, Civil Liberties 1
• Transparency International Corruption Index: 71% (22 of 178 countries rated)
• Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom 2010 Index: 96.0% (14 of 178 countries rated)
• Heritage Foundation Economic Freedom 2010 Index: 70.2% (32 of 178 countries rated)
Political history
Most of the lands which now constitute Belgium were acquired by the Spanish Habsburgs in the early 16th century. When the northern Netherlands
became independent, the southern regions remained under Spanish, and later
Austrian, Habsburg rule until 1794, when they were incorporated into the French empire.
In 1815, after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo outside Brussels, the area became part of a
united Kingdom of the Netherlands under the Dutch king. In 1830 the Belgians rebelled against rule by the
Protestant Dutch, and the Kingdom
of Belgium was created, with Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as king. The neutrality of
Belgium was guaranteed by all the powers. It was Germany's violation of Belgian neutrality in 1914
that brought Britain and France into the First World War. Belgium was again occupied by
the Germans in 1940-45.
After the Second World War Belgium abandoned its neutrality, and became an
enthusiast for both the Atlantic Alliance and European unity. The
headquarters of both NATO and EU are located in Brussels. At the same time, the unity of
the Belgian state has been weakened by Flemish and Walloon parochialism, and in
1993 a new federal Constitution was adopted, devolving most domestic legislative power to
Flemish and Walloon parliaments. Brussels, which is a bilingual city, became a separate
Belgian politics, historically based on class lines, are now also arranged on
linguistic lines. Thus, there is a Flemish Socialist Party Alternative
and a Walloon Socialist Party, a Flemish liberal party,
the Flemish Liberals and Democrats, and a Walloon liberal
party, the Reformist Movement,
a Flemish Christian-democrat party, the Christian-Democratic and Flemish Party,
and a Walloon Christian-democrat party, the Democratic Humanist Centre.
There are even Flemish and Walloon Green parties: Agalev and
Ecolo respectively. There are also rival ethnic-chauvinist parties, the Flemish Interest and
the Walloon National Front. The Flemish Block advocates
the dismemberment of Belgium as well as the exclusion of immigrants.
All this, combined with Belgium's system of proportional representation, makes forming Belgian governments very
difficult. The Christian Democrats were dominant from 1958 to 1999, but they lost office in 1999 to a centre-left
coalition of Liberals, Socialists and Greens under Guy Verhofstadt. The June 2007 election produced a deadlocked result and
a prolonged grovernment crisis, not resolved until March 2008, when a new Christian Democrat government was formed by
Yves Leterme. He was succeeded by Herman Van Rompuy in December 2008, but following Van Rompuy's
election as President of the Europea Council in December 2009 Leterme returned to office. The elections of June 2010
produced another deadlocked parliament, which was followed by an even longer crisis. Leterme remained in office in a
caretaker capacity while the parties quarrelled. It took the European debt crisis to end the deadlock: in December 2011
Elio Di Rupo, a Francophone Socialist, formed a government which
included Socialists, Liberals and Christian Demovcrats.
Updated January 2012