KINGDOM OF BELGIUM LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 21 May 1995 =================================================================== Election to the Chamber of Deputies Source: Free University of Brussels website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Agelev - Anders Gaan Leven (Greens) * CVP - Christelijke Volkspartije (Christian People's Party) * Ecolo - Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Confederated Ecologists for the Organisation of Original Struggles) * FN - Front National (National Front) * PRL-FDF - Parti Réformateur Libéral - Front Démocratique des Francophones (Liberal Reform Party - Democratic Front of French- Speakers) * PS - Parti Socialiste (Socialist Party) * PSC - Parti Social Chretien (Social Christian Party) * SP - Socialistische Partij (Socialist Party) * VB - Vlaams Blok (Flemish Bloc) * VLD- Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Flemish Liberals and Democrats) * VU - Volksunie-ID21 (People's Union-ID21) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =================================================================== Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- Christelijke Volkspartije 1,042,933 17.2 29 Parti Social Chretien 469,101 07.7 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 1,512,034 24.9 41 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Parti Socialiste 720,819 11.9 21 Socialistische Partij 762,444 12.6 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 1,483,263 24.5 41 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Agalev 269,058 04.4 5 Ecolo 243,362 04.0 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 512,420 08.4 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Parti Réformateur Libéral-FDF 623,250 10.3 18 Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten 798,363 13.1 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 1,421,613 23.4 39 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Front National 134,496 02.3 2 Vlaams Blok 475,677 07.8 11 Volksunie-ID21 283,516 04.7 5 Others 249,032 04.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,072,051 150 -------------------------------------------------------------------