VICTORIAN MINISTRIES =================================================================== Allan Ministry (18 November 1924 to 20 May 1927) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Country Party-Nationalist coalition Hon John Allan MLA (CP): Minister of Water Supply. Attorney- General, Solicitor-General (from 28 April 1927) Hon Sir Alexander J Peacock MLA (Nat): Treasurer, Minister of Public Instruction, Minister of Labour Hon Dr Stanley S Argyle MLA (Nat): Chief Secretary, Minister of Public Health Hon Frederic W Eggleston MLA (Nat): Attorney-General, Solicitor- General (to 28 April 1927). Minister of Railways, Vice-President of the Board of Land and Works Hon Alfred Downward MLA (CP): Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, President of the Board of Land and Works, Minister of Immigration Hon Horace Richardson MLC (Nat): Minister of Forests, Vice- President of the Board of Land and Works Hon George L Goudie MLC (CP): Commissioner of Public Works, Minister of Mines, Vice-President of the Board of Land and Works Hon Murray W J Bourchier MLA (CP): Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Markets ---------- Hon William P Crockett MLC (CP): Minister without portfolio Hon Martin McGregor MLC (Nat): Minister without portfolio Hon James McDonald MLA (Nat)*: Minister without portfolio Hon Edwin J Mackrell MLA (CP): Minister without portfolio * MLA for Polwarth