TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE TWENTY-FOURTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 9 MAY 1931 ======================================================================== The Twenty-Fourth Parliament was opened on 8 July 1931 and was dissolved on 1 May 1934. Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 9th May 1931", by Edward Parkes, Chief Electoral Officer. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from a list published in the "Burnie Advocate", 16 May 1931. Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John McPhee's Nationalist government won a crushing victory at this election, with 56% of the vote and 19 of 30 seats in the House of Assembly, a gain of four seats. Labor was reduced to 10 seats, although an ex-Labor member was elected as an independent. The result was heavily influenced by events in federal politics. The Scullin federal Labor government was hopelessly divided in the face of the Great Depression, and in March 1931 Joe Lyons, a former Tasmanian Labor Premier, resigned from the Scullin cabinet and became Leader of the Opposition. Although no Tasmanian state MPs followed Lyons out of the Labor Party, many Labor voters did – the Labor primary vote dropped 12%. Five sitting Labor members lost their seats. In March 1934 McPhee resigned through ill-health. Sir Walter Lee was elected leader of the Nationalist Party and formed his third ministry, which held office until the June election. This was the first Tasmanian election at which voting was compulsory. There were no female candidates at this election. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 118,730 Total votes counted: 112,779 95.0 Informal votes: 3,885 03.5 Formal votes: 108,894 96.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor Party 38,030 34.9 -12.3 10 -04 Nationalist 61,414 56.4 +14.2 19 +04 Others 9,450 08.7 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 108,894 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nationalists gained a seat from Labor in each of Bass, Darwin, Denison and Wilmot. VOTES AND SEATS BY DIVISION ========================================================================================= Division Nationalist Labor Party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votes % Quotas Seats Votes % Quotas Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass 13,603 62.8 +17.6 3.87 4 +1 8,058 37.2 -17.4 2.29 2 -1 Darwin 13,651 60.1 +14.4 3.89 4 +1 7,139 31.4 -15.2 2.03 2 -1 Denison 11,653 53.7 +13.4 3.32 4 +1 8,739 40.3 -00.5 2.49 2 -1 Franklin 9,875 43.9 +06.5 2.81 3 7,147 31.8 -11.7 2.03 2 Wilmot 12,632 62.2 +20.2 3.60 4 +1 6,947 34.2 -16.7 1.98 2 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 61,414 56.4 +14.2 17.48 19 +4 38,030 34.9 -12.3 10.83 10 -4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the totals for each party I have shown the number of notional statewide quotas they obtained. The notional statewide quota (3,513) is the statewide formal vote (108,894) divided by 31. 2. An independent won the sixth seat in Franklin. VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Ringarooma, Scottsdale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 23,691 Total votes cast: 22,429 94.7 Informal votes: 768 03.1 Formal votes: 21,661 96.9 Quota for election: 3,095 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Howard C L BARBER Nationalist 3,446 15.9 ELECTED 1 Hon George G Becker * Labor Party 1,688 07.8 Thomas H Davies * Labor Party 2,342 10.8 Alfred J Higgins Labor Party 964 04.5 Hon Claude E James * Nationalist 2,155 09.9 Robert Murphy Nationalist 2,989 13.8 John F Ockerby * Nationalist 1,684 07.8 Dr Herbert T Postle Nationalist 1,145 05.3 Benjamin H Saunders Nationalist 882 04.1 Victor J Shaw * Labor Party 3,064 14.1 Henry M D Thomson * Nationalist 1,302 06.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Postle, see 1933 countback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Barber's 351 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 28 08.1 1,716 07.9 Davies * 14 04.0 2,356 10.9 Higgins 5 01.4 969 04.5 James * 107 30.8 2,262 10.4 Murphy 48 13.8 3,037 14.0 Ockerby * 56 16.1 1,740 08.0 Postle 43 12.4 1,188 05.5 Saunders 18 05.2 900 04.2 Shaw * 4 01.2 3,068 14.2 Thomson * 24 06.9 1,326 06.1 Remaining 347 21,657 Lost by fraction 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 351 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Saunders's 900 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 24 02.7 1,740 08.0 Davies * 31 03.5 2,387 11.0 Higgins 8 00.9 977 04.5 James * 164 18.3 2,426 11.2 MURPHY 398 44.4 3,435 15.9 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 69 07.7 1,809 08.4 Postle 162 18.1 1,350 06.2 Shaw * 12 01.3 3,080 14.2 Thomson * 29 03.2 1,355 06.3 Remaining 897 21,654 Lost by fraction 3 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 900 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Murphy's 340 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 5 01.5 1,745 08.1 Davies * 9 02.7 2,396 11.1 Higgins 2 00.6 979 04.5 James * 103 30.8 2,529 11.7 MURPHY - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 57 17.1 1,866 08.6 Postle 82 24.6 1,432 06.6 Shaw * 1 00.3 3,081 14.2 Thomson * 75 22.5 1,430 06.6 Remaining 334 21,648 Lost by fraction 5 12 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 340 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Higgins's 979 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 205 21.0 1,950 09.0 Davies * 351 36.0 2,747 12.7 James * 15 01.5 2,544 11.8 MURPHY - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 22 02.3 1,888 08.7 Postle 10 01.0 1,432 06.6 SHAW * 367 37.6 3,448 15.9 ELECTED 3 Thomson * 6 00.6 1,436 06.6 Remaining 976 21,645 Lost by fraction 3 15 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 979 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Shaw's 353 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 115 33.0 2,065 09.5 Davies * 226 64.9 2,973 13.7 James * 3 00.9 2,547 11.8 MURPHY - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 3 00.9 1,891 08.7 Postle - 1,432 06.6 SHAW * - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 3 Thomson * 1 00.2 1,437 06.6 Remaining 348 21,640 Lost by fraction 5 20 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 353 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Thomson's 1,437 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * 46 03.3 2,111 09.8 Davies * 105 07.5 3,078 14.2 JAMES * 554 39.4 3,101 14.3 ELECTED 4 MURPHY - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 343 24.4 2,234 10.3 Postle 360 25.6 1,802 08.3 SHAW * - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 3 Remaining 1,408 21,611 Lost by fraction 8 28 Exhausted 21 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,437 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: James's 6 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 1 Becker * - 2,111 09.8 Davies * - 3,078 14.2 JAMES * - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 4 MURPHY - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 2 Ockerby * 3 50.0 2,237 10.3 Postle 3 50.0 1,805 08.3 SHAW * - 3,095 14.3 ELECTED 3 Remaining 6 21,611 Lost by fraction - 28 Exhausted - 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 6 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Postle's 1,805 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBER - 3,095 14.8 ELECTED 1 Becker * 67 06.4 2,178 10.4 DAVIES * 78 07.4 3,156 15.1 ELECTED 5 JAMES * - 3,095 14.8 ELECTED 4 MURPHY - 3,095 14.8 ELECTED 2 OCKERBY * 908 86.2 3,145 15.1 ELECTED 6 SHAW * - 3,095 14.8 ELECTED 3 Remaining 1,053 20,859 Lost by fraction - 28 Exhausted 92 114 Not distributed 660 660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,805 21,661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Later career: see Wilmot 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Mangles Denham Thomson (1972-1947): Elected 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 29 August 1947 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Howard Charles Linney Barber (1877-1950): Elected 1931 Born: 1877, England Career: Company manager, UK and India. Military service 1914-18. To Tas 1921. Orchardist. Mayor of Launceston. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resigned 9 May 1933: see vacancies Died 12 April 1950 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Henry Davies (1881-1942): Filled vacancy 1929. Elected 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claude Ernest Weymouth James (1878-1961): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Secretary Minister for Railways Minister for Mines ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Murphy (1876-1966): Elected 1931 Born: 8 July 1876, Scottsdale Career: Farmer. Scottsdale Municipal Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Featherstone Ockerby (1864-1953): Elected 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Victor James Shaw (1875-1936): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Devonport, Queenstown Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 24,693 Total votes cast: 23,499 95.2 Informal votes: 768 03.3 Formal votes: 22,731 96.7 Quota for election: 3,248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon James Belton * Labor Party 1,523 06.7 Daniel Brown 274 01.2 Thomas J BUTLER Nationalist 5,846 25.7 ELECTED 1 Thomas G de L D'Alton Labor Party 2,660 11.7 James C Gray Labor Party 378 01.7 Hon Edward Hobbs * Nationalist 1,659 07.3 Phillip L Kelly * Labor Party 2,186 09.6 Henry H McFie * Nationalist 1,953 08.6 Joseph W McGrath Labor Party 392 01.7 Frank E Marriott * Nationalist 2,788 12.3 Fergus M Medwin * 1,667 07.3 Colin Paul Nationalist 225 01.0 John F Wright Nationalist 1,180 05.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medwin was elected for the Labor Party in 1929. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Butler's 2,598 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 47 01.8 1,570 06.9 Brown 20 00.8 294 01.3 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton 45 01.7 2,705 11.9 Gray 17 00.7 395 01.7 Hobbs * 587 22.7 2,246 09.9 Kelly * 49 01.9 2,235 09.8 McFie * 492 19.0 2,445 10.8 McGrath 7 00.3 399 01.7 MARRIOTT * 475 18.3 3,263 14.4 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 161 06.2 1,828 08.0 Paul 68 02.6 293 01.3 Wright 623 24.0 1,803 07.9 Remaining 2,591 22,724 Lost by fraction 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,598 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Marriott's 15 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * - 1,570 06.9 Brown - 294 01.3 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton - 2,705 11.9 Gray - 395 01.7 Hobbs * 4 33.3 2,250 09.9 Kelly * - 2,235 09.8 McFie * 3 25.0 2,448 10.8 McGrath - 399 01.7 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 1 08.3 1,829 08.0 Paul 1 08.3 294 01.3 Wright 3 25.0 1,806 07.9 Remaining 12 22,721 Lost by fraction 3 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 15 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Paul's 294 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 6 02.1 1,576 06.9 Brown 3 01.0 297 01.3 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton 2 00.7 2,707 11.9 Gray - 395 01.7 Hobbs * 60 20.7 2,310 10.2 Kelly * 3 01.0 2,238 09.9 McFie * 55 19.0 2,503 11.0 McGrath - 399 01.8 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 42 14.5 1,871 08.2 Wright 119 41.0 1,925 08.5 Remaining 290 22,717 Lost by fraction 3 13 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 294 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Brown's 297 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 56 19.2 1,632 07.2 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton 73 25.0 2,780 12.2 Gray 17 05.8 412 01.8 Hobbs * 24 08.2 2,334 10.3 Kelly * 22 07.5 2,260 10.0 McFie * 10 03.4 2,513 11.1 McGrath 9 03.1 408 01.8 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 67 22.9 1,938 08.5 Wright 14 04.8 1,939 08.5 Remaining 292 22,712 Lost by fraction 4 17 Exhausted 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 297 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: McGrath's 408 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 45 11.1 1,677 07.4 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton 68 16.8 2,848 12.5 Gray 174 43.0 586 02.6 Hobbs * 9 02.2 2,343 10.3 Kelly * 83 20.5 2,343 10.3 McFie * 8 02.0 2,521 11.2 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 13 03.2 1,951 08.6 Wright 5 01.2 1,944 08.6 Remaining 405 22,709 Lost by fraction 3 20 Exhausted - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 408 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Gray's 586 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 125 21.8 1,802 07.9 BUTLER - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 1 D'Alton 196 34.1 3,044 13.4 Hobbs * 20 03.5 2,363 10.4 Kelly * 189 32.9 2,532 11.2 McFie * 14 02.4 2,535 11.2 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.3 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 23 04.0 1,974 08.7 Wright 7 01.2 1,951 08.6 Remaining 574 22,697 Lost by fraction 3 23 Exhausted 9 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 586 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Belton's 1,802 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTLER - 3,248 14.4 ELECTED 1 D'ALTON 689 40.1 3,733 16.5 ELECTED 3 Hobbs * 148 08.6 2,511 11.1 Kelly * 668 38.9 3,200 14.2 McFie * 74 04.3 2,609 11.5 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.4 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 96 05.6 2,070 09.2 Wright 43 02.5 1,994 08.8 Remaining 1,718 22,613 Lost by fraction 1 24 Exhausted 83 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,802 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: D'Alton's 485 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTLER - 3,248 14.4 ELECTED 1 D'ALTON - 3,248 14.4 ELECTED 3 Hobbs * 61 13.8 2,572 11.4 KELLY * 341 77.3 3,541 15.7 ELECTED 4 McFie * 13 02.9 2,622 11.6 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.4 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 23 05.2 2,093 09.3 Wright 3 00.7 1,997 08.8 Remaining 441 22,569 Lost by fraction 3 27 Exhausted 41 135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 485 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Kelly's 293 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTLER - 3,248 14.5 ELECTED 1 D'ALTON - 3,248 14.5 ELECTED 3 Hobbs * 10 11.1 2,582 11.5 KELLY * - 3,248 14.5 ELECTED 4 McFie * 15 16.7 2,637 11.8 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.5 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 56 62.2 2,149 09.6 Wright 9 10.0 2,006 09.0 Remaining 90 22,366 Lost by fraction 3 30 Exhausted 200 335 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 293 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Wright's 2,006 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTLER - 3,248 14.7 ELECTED 1 D'ALTON - 3,248 14.7 ELECTED 3 HOBBS * 666 39.0 3,248 14.7 ELECTED 6 KELLY * - 3,248 14.7 ELECTED 4 McFIE * 815 47.7 3,452 15.6 ELECTED 5 MARRIOTT * - 3,248 14.7 ELECTED 2 Medwin * 228 13.3 2,377 10.8 Remaining 1,709 22,069 Lost by fraction 1 31 Exhausted 93 428 Not distributed 203 203 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,006 22,731 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton (1855-1935): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1917 by, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 12 June 1935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fergus Michael Medwin (1874-1934): Elected 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 25 September 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas John Butler (1875-1937): Elected 1931 Born: 20 September 1875, Sheffield Career: Road-works and haulage contractor. Kentish Municipal Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas George de Largie D'Alton (1895-1968): Elected 1931 Born: 8 December 1895, Victoria Career: To Tas 1899. Miner, boilermaker. Official, Amalgamated Engineering Union. President Tas Labor Party. Nephew of Senator Hugh de Largie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Hobbs (1868-1936): Elected 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorary Minister ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philip Louis Kelly (1886-1954): Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hector Henry McFie (1869-1957): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francis Marriott (1874-1957): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Hobart, New Town, Queenborough, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 23,581 Total votes cast: 22,484 95.3 Informal votes: 775 03.5 Formal votes: 21,709 96.5 Quota for election: 3,102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frederick V Bates Labor Party 640 02.9 John H Cleary Labor Party 508 02.3 Robert Cosgrove * Labor Party 1,405 06.5 James M Counsel 585 02.7 David E Dicker 322 01.5 Edmund Dwyer-Gray * Labor Party 1,486 06.8 George C Gilmore Nationalist 384 01.8 Charles W Grant * Nationalist 1,459 06.7 Dr Arndell N Lewis Nationalist 754 03.5 Hon John C McPHEE * Nationalist 5,068 23.3 ELECTED 1 Gerald W Mahoney Labor Party 2,463 11.3 Charles O O'Conor Nationalist 336 01.5 Archibald R Park 410 01.9 Alfred G Richardson Nationalist 152 00.7 John Soundy * Nationalist 1,026 04.7 Maurice Susman Nationalist 248 01.1 Ernest W Turner Nationalist 2,226 10.3 Arthur J Tyler Labor Party 1,328 06.1 Walter A Woods * Labor Party 909 04.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Cleary was MHA for Denison 1916-28. 2. Dicker was MHA for Franklin 1909-22. 3. Gilmore was MHA for George Town 1893-1900, Waratah 1903-06. 4. For Lewis, see countback 1932. 5. For Park, see Franklin 1949. 6. For Tyler, see Legislative Council, Hobart 1943. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: McPhee's 1,966 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates 1 00.5 641 03.0 Cleary 1 00.5 509 02.3 Cosgrove * 3 00.2 1,408 06.5 Counsel 11 01.6 596 02.7 Dicker 2 00.2 324 01.5 Dwyer-Gray * 5 00.3 1,491 06.9 Gilmore 45 02.3 429 02.0 Grant * 450 23.0 1,909 08.8 Lewis 171 08.7 925 04.3 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 2 00.2 2,465 11.4 O'Conor 39 02.0 375 01.7 Park 8 00.4 418 01.9 Richardson 27 01.4 179 00.8 Soundy * 692 35.4 1,718 07.9 Susman 34 01.7 232 01.1 Turner 461 23.6 2,687 12.4 Tyler 1 00.5 1,329 06.1 Woods * 3 00.2 912 04.2 Remaining 1,956 21,699 Lost by fraction 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,966 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Richardson's 179 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates - 641 03.0 Cleary - 509 02.3 Cosgrove * 1 00.6 1,409 06.5 Counsel 5 02.9 601 02.8 Dicker - 324 01.5 Dwyer-Gray * - 1,491 06.9 Gilmore 12 06.9 441 02.0 Grant * 25 14.3 1,934 08.9 Lewis 24 13.7 949 04.4 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 1 00.6 2,466 11.4 O'Conor 5 02.9 380 01.8 Park 4 02.3 422 01.9 Soundy * 58 33.1 1,776 08.2 Susman 3 01.7 235 01.1 Turner 35 20.0 2,722 12.5 Tyler 1 00.6 1,330 06.1 Woods * 1 00.6 913 04.2 Remaining 175 21,695 Lost by fraction 4 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 179 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Susman's 235 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates - 641 03.0 Cleary - 509 02.3 Cosgrove * 1 00.4 1,410 06.5 Counsel 9 03.9 610 02.8 Dicker 3 01.3 327 01.5 Dwyer-Gray * 3 01.3 1,494 06.9 Gilmore 21 09.1 462 02.1 Grant * 35 15.2 1,969 09.1 Lewis 26 11.3 975 04.5 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney - 2,466 11.4 O'Conor 15 06.5 395 01.8 Park 1 00.4 423 02.0 Soundy * 66 28.6 1,842 08.5 Turner 90 39.0 2,812 13.0 Tyler 3 01.3 1,333 06.1 Woods * 8 03.5 921 04.2 Remaining 231 21,691 Lost by fraction 4 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 235 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Dicker's 327 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates 11 03.4 652 03.0 Cleary 9 02.8 518 02.4 Cosgrove * 15 04.6 1,425 06.6 Counsel 100 30.7 710 03.3 Dwyer-Gray * 36 11.0 1,530 07.1 Gilmore 12 03.7 474 02.2 Grant * 9 02.8 1,978 09.1 Lewis 10 03.1 985 04.5 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 16 04.9 2,482 11.4 O'Conor 4 01.2 399 01.8 Park 52 16.0 475 02.2 Soundy * 10 03.1 1,852 08.5 Turner 24 07.4 2,836 13.1 Tyler 7 02.1 1,340 06.2 Woods * 11 03.4 932 04.3 Remaining 326 21,690 Lost by fraction 1 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 327 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: O'Conor's 399 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates 2 00.5 654 03.0 Cleary 1 00.3 519 02.4 Cosgrove * 10 02.5 1,435 06.6 Counsel 19 04.8 729 03.4 Dwyer-Gray * 14 03.6 1,544 07.1 Gilmore 21 05.3 495 02.3 Grant * 67 17.8 2,045 09.4 Lewis 54 13.7 1,039 04.8 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 6 01.5 2,488 11.5 Park 7 01.8 482 02.2 Soundy * 94 23.9 1,946 09.0 Turner 94 23.9 2,930 13.5 Tyler 2 00.5 1,342 06.2 Woods * 2 00.5 934 04.3 Remaining 393 21,684 Lost by fraction 4 23 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 399 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Park's 482 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates 7 01.5 661 03.0 Cleary 3 00.6 522 02.4 Cosgrove * 7 01.5 1,442 06.7 Counsel 212 44.2 941 04.3 Dwyer-Gray * 7 01.5 1,551 07.2 Gilmore 16 03.3 511 02.4 Grant * 34 07.1 2,079 09.6 Lewis 19 04.0 1,058 04.9 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 16 03.3 2,504 11.5 Soundy * 38 07.9 1,984 09.2 Turner 91 19.0 3,021 13.9 Tyler 14 02.9 1,356 06.3 Woods * 16 03.3 950 04.4 Remaining 480 21,682 Lost by fraction 2 25 Exhausted - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 482 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Gilmore's 511 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates - 661 03.1 Cleary 3 00.6 525 02.4 Cosgrove * 4 00.8 1,446 06.7 Counsel 12 02.4 953 04.4 Dwyer-Gray * 7 01.4 1,558 07.2 Grant * 174 35.2 2,253 10.4 Lewis 68 13.8 1,126 05.2 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 7 01.4 2,511 11.6 Soundy * 109 22.1 2,093 09.7 TURNER 101 20.4 3,122 14.4 ELECTED 2 Tyler 8 01.6 1,364 06.3 Woods * 1 00.2 951 04.4 Remaining 494 21,665 Lost by fraction 5 30 Exhausted 12 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 511 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Turner's 20 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates - 661 03.1 Cleary - 525 02.4 Cosgrove * - 1,446 06.7 Counsel - 953 04.4 Dwyer-Gray * - 1,558 07.2 Grant * 5 33.3 2,258 10.4 Lewis 3 20.0 1,129 05.2 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney - 2,511 11.6 Soundy * 7 46.7 2,100 09.7 TURNER - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 2 Tyler - 1,364 06.3 Woods * - 951 04.4 Remaining 15 21,660 Lost by fraction 5 35 Exhausted - 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 20 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Cleary's 525 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bates 104 20.0 765 03.5 Cosgrove * 166 31.9 1,612 07.4 Counsel 10 01.9 963 04.4 Dwyer-Gray * 93 17.9 1,651 07.6 Grant * 14 02.7 2,272 10.5 Lewis 3 00.6 1,132 05.2 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 64 12.3 2,575 11.9 Soundy * 5 01.0 2,105 09.7 TURNER - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 2 Tyler 28 05.4 1,392 06.4 Woods * 33 06.3 984 04.5 Remaining 520 21,655 Lost by fraction 1 36 Exhausted 4 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 525 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Bates's 765 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 308 40.4 1,920 08.9 Counsel 19 02.5 982 04.5 Dwyer-Gray * 118 15.5 1,769 08.2 Grant * 5 00.7 2,277 10.5 Lewis 8 01.0 1,140 05.3 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 122 16.0 2,697 12.5 Soundy * - 2,105 09.7 TURNER - 3,102 14.3 ELECTED 2 Tyler 149 19.6 1,541 07.1 Woods * 32 04.2 1,016 04.7 Remaining 762 21,651 Lost by fraction 1 37 Exhausted 3 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 765 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Counsel's 982 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 56 06.5 1,976 09.2 Dwyer-Gray * 102 11.8 1,871 08.7 Grant * 162 18.7 2,439 11.3 Lewis 146 16.8 1,286 05.9 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.4 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 55 06.3 2,752 12.8 Soundy * 192 22.1 2,297 10.7 TURNER - 3,102 14.4 ELECTED 2 Tyler 76 08.8 1,617 07.5 Woods * 78 09.0 1,094 05.1 Remaining 867 21,536 Lost by fraction 2 39 Exhausted 113 134 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 982 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Woods's 1,094 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 200 18.9 2,176 10.1 Dwyer-Gray * 202 19.0 2,073 09.6 Grant * 24 02.3 2,463 11.5 Lewis 27 02.5 1,313 06.1 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.4 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 115 10.8 2,867 13.3 Soundy * 44 04.1 2,341 10.9 TURNER - 3,102 14.4 ELECTED 2 Tyler 449 42.3 2,066 09.6 Remaining 1,061 21,503 Lost by fraction 3 42 Exhausted 30 164 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,094 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Lewis's 1,313 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 33 02.8 2,209 10.3 Dwyer-Gray * 25 02.1 2,098 09.8 Grant * 511 43.3 2,974 13.9 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.5 ELECTED 1 Mahoney 25 02.1 2,892 13.5 Soundy * 558 47.2 2,899 13.6 TURNER - 3,102 14.5 ELECTED 2 Tyler 29 02.5 2,095 09.8 Remaining 1,181 21,371 Lost by fraction 11 53 Exhausted 121 285 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,313 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th count: Tyler's 2,095 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 612 31.1 2,821 13.3 Dwyer-Gray * 732 37.1 2,830 13.3 Grant * 47 02.4 3,021 14.2 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.6 ELECTED 1 MAHONEY 515 26.1 3,407 16.0 ELECTED 3 Soundy * 65 03.3 2,964 14.0 TURNER - 3,102 14.6 ELECTED 2 Remaining 1,971 21,247 Lost by fraction 2 55 Exhausted 122 407 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,095 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16th count: Mahoney's 305 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cosgrove * 117 39.5 2,938 13.8 DWYER-GRAY * 177 59.8 3,007 14.2 ELECTED 5 GRANT * 1 00.3 3,022 14.2 ELECTED 4 McPHEE * - 3,102 14.6 ELECTED 1 MAHONEY - 3,102 14.6 ELECTED 3 SOUNDY * 1 00.3 2,965 14.0 ELECTED 6 TURNER - 3,102 14.6 ELECTED 2 Remaining 296 21,238 Lost by fraction 4 59 Exhausted 5 412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 305 21,709 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only four candidates left, and three places still to be filled, Cosgrove was eliminated and Dwyer-Gray, Grant and Soundy were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Cosgrove (1884-1969): Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Later career: see Denison 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Alan Woods (1861-1939): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916 Resigned 1917. Elected 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 28 February 1939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edmund Dwyer Gray (1870-1945): Elected 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles William Grant (1878-1943): Elected 1922. Defeated 1925. Elected 1928, 1931 Resigned 2 March 1932 Later career: Senator for Tasmania 1932-41. Died 14 December 1943 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorary Minister to 2 March 1932 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Cameron McPhee (1878-1952): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 McPhee retired at the 1934 election. Later career: see Franklin 1941. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier to 15 March 1934 Treasurer to 15 March 1934 Minister for Forests to 15 March 1934 Minister controlling the Hydro-Electric Department to 23 March 1932 Minister for Agriculture 24 March 1932 to 15 March 1934 Leader of the Nationalist Party to 14 March 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gerald William Mahoney (1892-1955): Elected 1931 Born: 24 May 1892, Railton Career: Painter. Official, Painters' and Decorators' Union. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Soundy (1878-1960): Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest William Turner (1876-1943): Elected 1931 Born: 15 July 1876, Hobart Career: Educated University of Tasmania. Barrister 1899. Public servant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorary Minister from 15 March 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Kingborough, Moonah, Nelson, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 24,820 Total votes cast: 23,176 95.5 Informal votes: 707 03.1 Formal votes: 22,469 96.9 Quota for election: 3,210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon Henry BAKER * Nationalist 4,583 20.4 ELECTED 1 Edward Brooker Labor Party 612 02.7 Eric E Burgess Nationalist 532 02.4 George A Collis 389 01.7 John J Dwyer Labor Party 1,531 06.8 Sir John W Evans * Nationalist 1,593 07.1 John H Hohne Labor Party 413 01.8 William J McGann Labor Party 661 02.9 Peter Murdoch 1,156 05.1 Hon Albert G OGILVIE * Labor Party 3,930 17.5 ELECTED 2 Benjamin J Pearsall * 1,626 07.2 John P Piggott * Nationalist 1,303 05.8 Clarence J Rennie Nationalist 252 01.1 Alfred C Seabrook Nationalist 1,612 07.1 Benjamin Watkins * 2,256 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For Brooker, see Franklin 1934. 2. Murdoch was MHA for Franklin 1922-28. 3. Watkins was elected as a Labor member in 1928. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Baker's 1,373 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 61 04.5 673 03.0 Burgess 195 14.3 727 03.2 Collis 22 01.6 411 01.8 Dwyer 11 00.8 1,542 06.9 Evans * 475 34.7 2,068 09.2 Hohne 2 00.1 415 01.8 McGann 1 00.1 662 02.9 Murdoch 32 02.3 1,188 05.3 OGILVIE * - 3,930 17.5 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 48 03.5 1,674 07.5 Piggott * 232 17.0 1,535 06.8 Rennie 49 03.6 301 01.3 Seabrook 174 12.7 1,786 08.0 Watkins * 65 04.8 2,341 10.4 Remaining 1,367 22,463 Lost by fraction 6 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,373 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Ogilvie's 720 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 104 14.6 777 03.5 Burgess 3 00.4 730 03.3 Collis 4 00.6 415 01.8 Dwyer 269 37.7 1,811 08.1 Evans * 8 01.1 2,076 09.2 Hohne 120 16.8 535 02.4 McGann 121 16.9 783 03.5 Murdoch 10 01.4 1,198 05.3 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 20 02.8 1,694 07.5 Piggott * 8 01.1 1,543 06.9 Rennie 3 00.4 304 01.4 Seabrook 8 01.1 1,794 08.0 Watkins * 36 05.0 2,377 10.6 Remaining 714 22,457 Lost by fraction 6 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 720 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Rennie's 304 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 2 00.7 779 03.5 Burgess 48 16.1 778 03.5 Collis 5 01.7 420 01.9 Dwyer 5 01.7 1,816 08.1 Evans * 66 22.1 2,142 09.5 Hohne - 535 02.4 McGann 2 00.7 785 03.5 Murdoch 7 02.3 1,205 05.4 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 13 04.4 1,707 07.6 Piggott * 58 19.5 1,601 07.1 Seabrook 60 20.1 1,854 08.3 Watkins * 32 10.7 2,409 10.7 Remaining 298 22,451 Lost by fraction 6 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 304 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Collis's 420 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 21 05.1 800 03.6 Burgess 16 03.9 794 03.5 Dwyer 16 03.9 1,832 08.2 Evans * 27 06.6 2,169 09.7 Hohne 10 02.4 545 02.4 McGann 3 00.7 788 03.5 Murdoch 84 20.4 1,289 05.7 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 113 27.5 1,820 08.1 Piggott * 22 05.4 1,623 07.2 Seabrook 11 02.7 1,865 08.3 Watkins * 88 21.4 2,497 11.1 Remaining 411 22,442 Lost by fraction 8 26 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 420 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Hohne's 545 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 102 19.0 902 04.0 Burgess 8 01.5 802 03.6 Dwyer 265 49.3 2,097 09.3 Evans * 14 02.6 2,183 09.7 McGann 90 16.8 878 03.9 Murdoch 12 02.2 1,301 05.8 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 4 00.7 1,824 08.1 Piggott * 7 01.3 1,630 07.3 Seabrook 11 02.0 1,876 08.4 Watkins * 24 04.5 2,521 11.2 Remaining 537 22,434 Lost by fraction 6 32 Exhausted 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 545 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Burgess's 802 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 22 02.8 924 04.1 Dwyer 60 07.7 2,157 09.6 Evans * 330 42.3 2,513 11.2 McGann 12 01.5 890 04.0 Murdoch 57 07.3 1,358 06.1 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 41 05.2 1,865 08.3 Piggott * 82 10.5 1,712 07.6 Seabrook 121 15.5 1,997 08.9 Watkins * 56 07.2 2,577 11.5 Remaining 781 22,413 Lost by fraction 10 42 Exhausted 11 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 802 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: McGann's 890 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 1 Brooker 270 30.9 1,194 05.3 Dwyer 481 55.1 2,638 11.8 Evans * 16 01.8 2,529 11.3 Murdoch 24 02.7 1,382 06.2 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.3 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 26 03.0 1,891 08.4 Piggott * 11 01.3 1,723 07.7 Seabrook 12 01.4 2,009 09.0 Watkins * 33 03.8 2,610 11.7 Remaining 873 22,396 Lost by fraction 9 51 Exhausted 8 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 890 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Brooker's 1,194 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.5 ELECTED 1 DWYER 575 64.8 3,213 14.5 ELECTED 3 Evans * 54 06.1 2,583 11.7 Murdoch 43 04.8 1,425 06.5 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.5 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 26 02.9 1,917 08.7 Piggott * 15 01.7 1,738 07.9 Seabrook 21 02.4 2,030 09.2 Watkins * 154 17.3 2,764 12.5 Remaining 888 22,090 Lost by fraction 22 73 Exhausted 284 306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,194 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Dwyer's 3 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.5 ELECTED 1 DWYER - 3,210 14.5 ELECTED 3 Evans * - 2,583 11.7 Murdoch - 1,425 06.5 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.5 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * - 1,917 08.7 Piggott * - 1,738 07.9 Seabrook - 2,030 09.2 Watkins * - 2,764 12.5 Remaining - 22,087 Lost by fraction 1 74 Exhausted 2 308 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 3 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Murdoch's 1,425 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 1 DWYER - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 3 Evans * 142 10.6 2,725 12.4 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 687 41.4 2,604 11.8 Piggott * 87 06.5 1,825 08.3 Seabrook 180 13.5 2,210 10.0 Watkins * 240 18.0 3,004 13.7 Remaining 1,336 21,998 Lost by fraction 11 85 Exhausted 78 386 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,425 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Piggott's 1,825 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 1 DWYER - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 3 EVANS * 565 32.5 3,290 15.0 ELECTED 4 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.6 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 258 14.8 2,862 13.1 Seabrook 755 43.4 2,965 13.5 Watkins * 163 09.4 3,167 14.5 Remaining 1,741 21,914 Lost by fraction 11 96 Exhausted 73 459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,825 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Evans's 80 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAKER * - 3,210 14.7 ELECTED 1 DWYER - 3,210 14.7 ELECTED 3 EVANS * - 3,210 14.7 ELECTED 4 OGILVIE * - 3,210 14.7 ELECTED 2 Pearsall * 8 11.0 2,870 13.1 SEABROOK 58 79.5 3,023 13.8 ELECTED 6 WATKINS * 7 09.6 3,174 14.5 ELECTED 5 Remaining 73 21,907 Lost by fraction 3 99 Exhausted 4 463 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 80 22,469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only three candidates left, and two places still to be filled, Pearsall was eliminated and Watkins and Seabrook were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin James Pearsall (1878-1951): Elected 1928. Defeated 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Peters Piggott (1879-1957): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 3 August 1957 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henry Seymour Baker (1890-1968): Elected 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attorney-General Minister for Education ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John James Dwyer (1890-1962): Elected 1931 Born: 9 March 1890, Port Cygnet Career: Timber worker and sawmiller. Military service 1915-18 (VC at Polygon Wood). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly to 17 July 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert George Ogilvie (1890-1939): Elected 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition Leader of the Labor Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alfred Charles Seabrook (1867-1934): Elected 1931 Born: 5 April 1867, Hobart Career: Builder, commercial traveller. MHR for Franklin 1922-28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Watkins (1884-1963): Elected 1906 by, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1919. Defeated 1922. Elected 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Latrobe, Longford, Westbury ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,485 Total votes cast: 21,191 94.2 Informal votes: 867 02.9 Formal votes: 20,324 97.1 Quota for election: 2,904 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon Llewellyn Atkinson Nationalist 2,453 12.1 Percival C Best * Nationalist 1,732 08.6 Alfred W Burbury Nationalist 2,341 11.6 Neil CAMPBELL * Nationalist 3,611 17.8 ELECTED 1 Hon Jens A Jensen * Labor Party 2,737 13.5 Henry T Lane Labor Party 430 02.1 Hon Sir Walter Lee * Nationalist 2,495 12.3 Eric J Ogilvie * Labor Party 2,214 10.9 Herbert D Osborne Labor Party 1,040 05.1 William E Shoobridge * Labor Party 526 02.6 Benjamin Y Whitham Nationalist 284 01.4 John C Williams 461 02.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lane was MHA for Darwin 1926-28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Campbell's 707 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 181 25.8 2,634 13.0 Best * 131 18.7 1,863 09.2 Burbury 166 23.6 2,507 12.3 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 Jensen * 16 02.3 2,753 13.5 Lane 4 00.6 434 02.1 Lee * 159 22.6 2,654 13.1 Ogilvie * 3 00.4 2,217 10.9 Osborne 1 00.1 1,041 05.1 Shoobridge * 6 00.9 532 02.6 Whitham 5 00.7 289 01.4 Williams 30 04.3 491 02.4 Remaining 702 20,319 Lost by fraction 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 707 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Campbell's 707 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 181 25.8 2,634 13.0 Best * 131 18.7 1,863 09.2 Burbury 166 23.6 2,507 12.3 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 Jensen * 16 02.3 2,753 13.5 Lane 4 00.6 434 02.1 Lee * 159 22.6 2,654 13.1 Ogilvie * 3 00.4 2,217 10.9 Osborne 1 00.1 1,041 05.1 Shoobridge * 6 00.9 532 02.6 Whitham 5 00.7 289 01.4 Williams 30 04.3 491 02.4 Remaining 702 20,319 Lost by fraction 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 707 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Whitham's 289 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 36 12.6 2,670 13.1 Best * 17 05.9 1,880 09.3 Burbury 53 18.5 2,560 12.6 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 Jensen * 14 04.9 2,767 13.6 Lane 3 01.0 437 02.2 Lee * 36 12.6 2,690 13.2 Ogilvie * 5 01.7 2,222 10.9 Osborne 8 02.8 1,049 05.2 Shoobridge * 23 08.0 555 02.7 Williams 91 31.8 582 02.9 Remaining 286 20,316 Lost by fraction 3 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 289 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Lane's 437 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 26 06.0 2,696 13.3 Best * 13 03.0 1,893 09.3 Burbury 7 01.6 2,567 12.6 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * 141 32.6 2,908 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lee * 11 02.5 2,701 13.3 Ogilvie * 104 24.0 2,326 11.5 Osborne 98 22.6 1,147 05.6 Shoobridge * 27 06.2 582 02.9 Williams 6 01.4 588 02.9 Remaining 433 20,312 Lost by fraction 3 11 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 437 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Jensen's 4 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson - 2,696 13.3 Best * - 1,893 09.3 Burbury - 2,567 12.6 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lee * - 2,701 13.3 Ogilvie * 2 2,328 11.5 Osborne - 1,147 05.6 Shoobridge * - 582 02.9 Williams - 588 02.9 Remaining 2 20,310 Lost by fraction 2 13 Exhausted - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 4 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Shoobridge's 582 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 10 01.9 2,706 13.3 Best * 14 02.5 1,907 09.4 Burbury 34 06.1 2,601 12.8 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lee * 23 04.1 2,724 13.4 Ogilvie * 285 50.8 2,613 12.9 Osborne 160 28.5 1,307 06.4 Williams 35 06.2 623 03.1 Remaining 561 20,289 Lost by fraction 5 18 Exhausted 16 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 582 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Williams's 623 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 137 23.9 2,843 14.0 Best * 77 13.4 1,984 09.8 Burbury 127 22.2 2,728 13.5 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * - 2,904 14.3 ELECTED 2 Lee * 89 15.5 2,813 13.9 Ogilvie * 65 11.3 2,678 13.2 Osborne 78 13.6 1,385 06.8 Remaining 573 20,239 Lost by fraction 4 22 Exhausted 46 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 623 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Osborne's 1,385 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atkinson 21 02.0 2,864 14.4 Best * 24 02.3 2,008 10.1 Burbury 25 02.4 2,753 13.8 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 14.6 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * - 2,904 14.6 ELECTED 2 Lee * 48 04.7 2,861 14.4 OGILVIE * 913 88.6 3,591 18.1 ELECTED 3 Remaining 1,031 19,885 Lost by fraction 1 23 Exhausted 353 416 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,385 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Ogilvie's 687 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATKINSON 12 21.1 2,876 14.9 ELECTED 5 Best * 15 26.3 2,023 10.5 BURBURY 14 24.6 2,767 14.4 ELECTED 6 CAMPBELL * - 2,904 15.1 ELECTED 1 JENSEN * - 2,904 15.1 ELECTED 2 LEE * 16 28.1 2,877 14.9 ELECTED 4 OGILVIE * - 2,904 15.1 ELECTED 3 Remaining 57 19,255 Lost by fraction 3 26 Exhausted 627 1,043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 687 20,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since there were only four candidates left, and three places still to be filled, Best was eliminated and Lee, Atkinson and Burbury were declared elected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percival Clarence Best (1873-1943): Elected 1928. Defeated 1931 Died 14 April 1943 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Ebenezer Shoobridge (1846-1940): Elected 1916. Defeated 1919. Filled vacancy 1922. Elected 1925. Defeated 1928. Filled vacancy 1929. Defeated 1931 Died 17 May 1940 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Llewellyn Atkinson (1867-1945): Elected 1931 Born: 18 December 1867, Launceston Career: Educated University of Melbourne. Barrister 1894. MHR for Wilmot 1906-29. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alfred William Burbury (1865-1944): Elected 1931 Born: 31 January 1865, Oatlands Career: Farmer. Brother of Frederick Burbury MHA. Uncle of Sir Stanley Burbury, Governor of Tasmania 1973-82. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Campbell (1880-1960): Elected 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jens August Jensen (1865-1936): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909. Resigned 1910. Elected 1922. Defeated 1925. Elected 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Lands and Works to 15 March 1934 Minister administering the Homes Act to 15 March 1934 Minister for Closer and Soldier Settlement 24 March 1932 to 15 March 1934 Premier from 15 March 1934 Treasurer from 15 March 1934 Minister administering the Hydro-Electric Department from 15 March 1934 Minister administering the Agricultural Bank from 15 March 1934 Leader of the Nationalist Party from 14 March 1934 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric James Ogilvie (1892-1962): Elected 1928, 1931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VACANCIES 1931-34 ======================================================================== DENISON ======================================================================== 14 March 1932, following the resignation of Hon Charles Grant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Arndell N LEWIS Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arndell Neil Lewis (1897-1943): Filled vacancy 1932 Born: 23 November 1897, Perth (Tas) Career: Educated University of Tasmania (LlD 1930). Military service 1914-18. Barrister 1922. University lecturer. Son of Hon Sir Elliott Lewis MHA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASS ======================================================================== 6 June 1933, following the resignation of Howard C L Barber ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Herbert T POSTLE Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert Thomas Postle (1884-1961): Filled vacancy 1933 Born: 28 September 1884, Hobart Career: Educated University of Melbourne (LlD 1920). Military service 1915-16. Lawyer and Presbyterian minister. ------------------------------------------------------------------------