TASMANIA ======================================================================== HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ======================================================================== THE TWENTIETH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 31 MAY 1919 ======================================================================== The Twentieth Parliament was opened on 22 July 1919 and was dissolved on 19 February 1922 Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting figures are taken from the "Report on General Election 31st May 1919", presented to the Chief Secretary on 29 October 1919. Biographies of elected members are from Bennett and the Tasmanian Parliament website. Candidate full names are from the Hobart "Mercury", 23 March 1916. Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Lee's Nationalist government was returned to office at this election, winning 16 seats. Labor won 13 and the independent Whitsitt was re-elected. This represented a gain by the Nationalists of one seat relative to the 1916 election. But Labor regained three of the four seats it had lost at by-elections during the 1916-19 parliament. In October 1919 the Opposition Leader Joe Lyons resigned to contest (unsuccessfully) the federal seat of Darwin. James Ogden succeeded him as Labor leader. In January 1920 Lyons returned to the Assembly and resumed the Labor leadership. Three future Premiers, Robert Cosgrove, John McPhee and Albert Ogilvie, were elected at this election. Between them they would be Premier for 28 years. STATE SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 107,541 Total votes counted: 71,064 66.1 Informal votes: 2,814 04.0 Formal votes: 68,250 96.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labor 28,286 41.5 -07.0 13 -01 Nationalist 37,675 55.2 +07.0 16 +01 Others 2,308 03.3 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 68,250 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTING BY DIVISION ======================================================================== BASS (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: George Town, Launceston, Scottsdale, St Helens ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,377 Total votes cast: 14,143 63.2 Informal votes: 471 03.3 Formal votes: 13,672 96.7 Quota for election: 1,954 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George G BECKER * Labor 1,986 14.5 ELECTED 4 William E Bowen Nationalist 535 03.9 James A Guy * Labor 1,297 09.5 Hon John B HAYES * Nationalist 2,233 16.3 ELECTED 3 Alexander R MARSHALL * Nationalist 2,280 16.7 ELECTED 2 James C NEWTON * Nationalist 2,367 17.3 ELECTED 1 Robert J Sadler * Nationalist 1,610 11.8 Henry A Sharpe Labor 449 03.3 Victor J Shaw Labor 915 06.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Shaw, see Bass 1925. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Newton's 413 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,986 14.5 ELECTED 4 Bowen 1 00.3 536 03.9 Guy * 19 04.8 1,316 09.6 HAYES * - 2,233 16.3 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 2,280 16.7 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 14.3 ELECTED 1 SADLER * 376 94.2 1,986 14.5 ELECTED 5 Sharpe 2 00.5 451 03.3 Shaw 1 00.3 916 06.7 Remaining 399 13,658 Lost by fraction 4 4 Exhausted 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 413 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Marshall's 326 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,986 14.9 ELECTED 4 Bowen 3 10.7 539 04.0 Guy * 14 50.0 1,330 10.0 HAYES * - 2,233 16.7 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 14.6 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 14.6 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,986 14.9 ELECTED 5 Sharpe 9 32.1 460 03.4 Shaw 2 07.1 918 06.9 Remaining 28 13,360 Lost by fraction 2 6 Exhausted 296 306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 326 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Hayes's 279 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,986 15.2 ELECTED 4 Bowen 2 10.5 541 04.1 Guy * 8 42.1 1,338 10.2 HAYES * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,986 15.2 ELECTED 5 Sharpe 8 42.1 468 03.6 Shaw 1 05.3 919 07.0 Remaining 19 13,100 Lost by fraction 3 9 Exhausted 257 563 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 279 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Becker's 32 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 4 Bowen 16 53.3 557 04.3 Guy * 11 36.7 1,349 10.3 HAYES * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 14.9 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,986 15.2 ELECTED 5 Sharpe 2 06.7 470 03.6 Shaw 1 03.3 920 07.0 Remaining 30 13,098 Lost by fraction 2 11 Exhausted - 563 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 32 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Sadler's 32 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 4 Bowen - 557 04.3 Guy * - 1,349 10.3 HAYES * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 5 Sharpe - 470 03.6 Shaw - 920 07.0 Remaining - 13,066 Lost by fraction 3 14 Exhausted 29 592 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 32 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Sharpe's 470 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 4 Bowen 116 26.7 673 05.2 Guy * 224 51.6 1,573 12.1 HAYES * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,954 15.0 ELECTED 5 Shaw 94 21.7 1,014 07.8 Remaining 434 13,030 Lost by fraction 5 19 Exhausted 31 623 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 470 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Bowen's 673 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BECKER * - 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 4 GUY * 381 74.3 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 6 HAYES * - 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 3 MARSHALL * - 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 2 NEWTON * - 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 1 SADLER * - 1,954 15.2 ELECTED 5 Shaw 132 25.7 1,146 08.9 Remaining 513 12,870 Lost by fraction - 19 Exhausted 22 645 Not distributed 138 138 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 673 13,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Godfrey Becker (1877-1941): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Allan Guy (1890-1979): Elected 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Blyth Hayes (1868-1956): Elected 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minister for Agriculture Minister for Lands and Works to 5 August 1919 Minister for Works from 5 August 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Tasman Marshall (1881-1966): Elected 1914 by, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Corcoran Newton (1864-1929): Elected 1917 by, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert James Sadler (1846-1923): Elected 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912. Elected 1916, 1919 Sadler retired at the 1922 election. Died 10 May 1923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Burnie, Queenstown, Wynyard, Zeehan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,588 Total votes cast: 12,625 67.9 Informal votes: 604 04.8 Formal votes: 12,021 95.2 Quota for election: 1,718 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon James Belton * Labor 1,450 12.1 Leonard A Bennett Labor 521 04.3 Leopold L Burrows Labor 130 01.1 Edward HOBBS * Nationalist 1,751 14.6 ELECTED 3 James A Hurst Labor 1,268 10.5 Hon James E OGDEN * Labor 1,805 15.0 ELECTED 2 Hon Herbert J M Payne * Nationalist 1,464 12.2 George B Phillips Labor 531 04.4 Percival Pollard * Nationalist 1,260 10.5 Joshua T H WHITSITT * 1,841 15.3 ELECTED 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurst was MHA for Darwin 1910-12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Whitsitt's 123 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 20 17.1 1,470 12.2 Bennett 4 03.4 525 04.4 Burrows 1 00.9 131 01.1 HOBBS * - 1,751 14.6 ELECTED 3 Hurst 11 09.4 1,279 10.6 OGDEN * - 1,805 15.0 ELECTED 2 Payne * 32 17.9 1,496 12.5 Phillips 1 00.9 532 04.4 Pollard * 48 41.0 1,308 10.9 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 117 12,015 Lost by fraction 2 2 Exhausted 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 123 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Ogden's 87 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 40 47.6 1,510 12.6 Bennett 11 13.1 536 04.5 Burrows 1 01.2 132 01.1 HOBBS * - 1,751 14.6 ELECTED 3 Hurst 28 33.3 1,307 10.9 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 2 Payne * - 1,496 12.5 Phillips 3 03.6 535 04.5 Pollard * 1 01.2 1,309 10.9 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 84 12,012 Lost by fraction 2 4 Exhausted 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 87 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Hobbs's 33 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * - 1,510 12.6 Bennett - 536 04.5 Burrows - 132 01.1 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst - 1,307 10.9 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 2 Payne * 19 63.3 1,515 12.6 Phillips - 535 04.5 Pollard * 11 36.7 1,320 11.0 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 30 12,009 Lost by fraction 3 7 Exhausted - 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 33 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Burrows's 132 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 38 29.5 1,548 12.9 Bennett 26 20.2 562 04.7 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst 39 30.2 1,346 11.2 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 2 Payne * 5 03.9 1,520 12.7 Phillips 20 15.5 555 04.6 Pollard * 1 36.7 1,321 11.0 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 129 12,006 Lost by fraction 2 9 Exhausted 1 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 132 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Phillips's 555 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belton * 124 22.7 1,672 13.9 Bennett 136 24.9 698 05.8 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 3 Hurst 235 43.0 1,581 13.2 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 2 Payne * 20 03.7 1,540 12.8 Pollard * 31 05.7 1,352 11.3 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.3 ELECTED 1 Remaining 546 11,997 Lost by fraction 2 11 Exhausted 7 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 555 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Bennett's 698 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * 272 52.2 1,944 16.4 ELECTED 4 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.5 ELECTED 3 HURST 204 43.0 1,785 15.1 ELECTED 5 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.5 ELECTED 2 Payne * 19 03.7 1,559 13.2 Pollard * 26 05.7 1,378 11.7 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.5 ELECTED 1 Remaining 521 11,820 Lost by fraction 2 13 Exhausted 175 188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 698 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Belton's 226 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,718 14.8 ELECTED 4 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.8 ELECTED 3 HURST - 1,785 15.4 ELECTED 5 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.8 ELECTED 2 Payne * 9 42.9 1,568 13.5 Pollard * 12 57.1 1,390 12.0 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.8 ELECTED 1 Remaining 21 11,615 Lost by fraction 2 15 Exhausted 203 391 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 226 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Hurst's 67 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELTON * - 1,718 14.9 ELECTED 4 HOBBS * - 1,718 14.9 ELECTED 3 HURST - 1,718 14.9 ELECTED 5 OGDEN * - 1,718 14.9 ELECTED 2 PAYNE * 2 66.7 1,570 13.6 ELECTED 6 Pollard * 1 33.3 1,391 12.0 WHITSITT * - 1,718 14.9 ELECTED 1 Remaining 3 11,551 Lost by fraction 1 16 Exhausted 63 454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 67 12,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Payne was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percival George Pollard (1883-1948) Elected 1917 by. Defeated 1919 Later career: see Countback 1920. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Belton (1855-1935): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916. Resigned 1917. Elected 1917 by, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward Hobbs (1868-1936): Elected 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Abraham Hurst (1880-1964): Elected 1910 by. Defeated 1912. Elected 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Ernest Ogden (1868-1932): Elected 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913. Resigned 1913. Elected 1913 by, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition 22 October 1919 to 2 August 1920 Leader of the Labor Party 22 October 1919 to 2 August 1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert James Mockford Payne (1866-1944): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 Resiged 28 January 1920: see vacancy Later career: Senator for Tasmania 1920-38. Died 26 February 1944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joshua Thomas Hoskins Whitsitt (1869-1943): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENISON (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Glenorchy, Hobart, New Town, Sandy Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 25,619 Total votes cast: 17,977 70.2 Informal votes: 543 03.0 Formal votes: 17,434 97.0 Quota for election: 2,491 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr William E Bottrill Nationalist 424 02.4 John H CLEARY * Labor 3,751 21.5 ELECTED 1 Robert Cosgrove Labor 846 04.9 George M Foster * Nationalist 1,151 06.6 Charles D Hoggins * Nationalist 937 05.4 John J Lewis Labor 439 02.5 Hon Sir Elliott LEWIS * Nationalist 2,564 14.7 ELECTED 2 John C McPhee Nationalist 2,316 13.3 Duncan McRae Nationalist 1,225 07.0 Abraham Needham Labor 801 04.6 William Sheridan * Labor 1,085 06.2 Robert E Snowden Nationalist 1,086 06.2 Walter A Woods Labor 809 04.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Woods was MHA for Hobart North 1906-09, for Denison 1909-17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Cleary's 1,260 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bottrill 6 00.5 430 02.5 CLEARY * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 295 23.5 1,141 06.5 Foster * 26 02.1 1,177 06.8 Hoggins * 39 03.1 976 05.6 J J Lewis 135 10.8 574 03.3 N E LEWIS * - 2,564 14.7 ELECTED 2 McPhee 5 00.4 2,321 13.3 McRae 6 00.5 1,231 07.1 Needham 188 15.0 989 05.7 Sheridan * 435 34.7 1,520 08.7 Snowden 5 00.4 1,091 06.3 Woods 115 09.2 924 05.3 Remaining 1,255 17,429 Lost by fraction 5 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,260 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: N E Lewis's 73 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bottrill 4 05.9 434 02.5 CLEARY * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove - 1,141 06.5 Foster * 15 22.1 1,192 06.8 Hoggins * 8 11.8 984 05.6 J J Lewis - 574 03.3 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 2 McPhee 17 25.0 2,338 13.4 McRae 4 05.9 1,235 07.1 Needham - 989 05.7 Sheridan * - 1,520 08.7 Snowden 20 29.4 1,111 06.4 Woods - 924 05.3 Remaining 68 17,424 Lost by fraction 5 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 73 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Bottrill's 434 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 35 08.2 1,176 06.8 Foster * 109 25.4 1,301 07.5 Hoggins * 85 19.8 1,069 06.1 J J Lewis 11 02.6 585 03.4 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 2 McPhee 61 14.2 2,399 13.8 McRae 20 04.7 1,255 07.2 Needham 7 01.6 996 05.7 Sheridan * 11 02.6 1,531 08.8 Snowden 86 20.0 1,197 06.9 Woods 4 00.9 928 05.3 Remaining 429 17,419 Lost by fraction 4 14 Exhausted 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 434 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: J J Lewis's 585 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 102 17.6 1,278 07.3 Foster * 27 04.7 1,328 07.6 Hoggins * 25 04.2 1,094 06.3 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 2 McPhee 18 03.1 2,417 13.9 McRae 16 02.8 1,271 07.3 Needham 111 19.1 1,107 06.4 Sheridan * 191 32.9 1,722 09.9 Snowden 22 03.8 1,219 07.0 Woods 68 11.7 996 05.7 Remaining 580 17,414 Lost by fraction 3 17 Exhausted 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 585 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Woods's 996 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 101 10.4 1,379 07.9 Foster * 13 01.3 1,341 07.7 Hoggins * 18 01.9 1,112 06.4 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.3 ELECTED 2 McPhee 10 01.0 2,427 14.0 McRae 14 01.4 1,285 07.4 Needham 193 19.9 1,300 07.5 Sheridan * 602 61.9 2,324 13.4 Snowden 21 02.2 1,240 07.1 Remaining 972 17,390 Lost by fraction 5 22 Exhausted 19 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 996 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Hoggins's 1,112 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.4 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 31 03.0 1,410 08.1 Foster * 391 37.6 1,732 10.0 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.4 ELECTED 2 McPHEE 138 13.3 2,565 14.8 ELECTED 3 McRae 61 05.9 1,346 07.8 Needham 42 04.0 1,342 07.7 Sheridan * 148 14.2 2,472 14.3 Snowden 229 22.0 1,469 08.5 Remaining 1,040 17,318 Lost by fraction 7 29 Exhausted 65 87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,112 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: McPhee's 74 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.4 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 1 01.5 1,411 08.2 Foster * 11 16.9 1,743 10.1 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.4 ELECTED 2 McPHEE - 2,491 14.4 ELECTED 3 McRae 33 50.8 1,379 08.0 Needham 1 01.5 1,343 07.8 Sheridan * 4 21.5 2,476 14.3 Snowden 15 23.1 1,484 08.6 Remaining 65 17,309 Lost by fraction 3 32 Exhausted 6 93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 74 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Needham's 1,343 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 1 Cosgrove 694 56.3 2,105 12.2 Foster * 19 01.5 1,762 10.2 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 2 McPHEE - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 3 McRae 32 02.6 1,411 08.2 SHERIDAN * 471 38.2 2,947 17.1 ELECTED 4 Snowden 16 01.3 1,500 08.7 Remaining 1,232 17,198 Lost by fraction 6 38 Exhausted 105 198 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,343 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Sheridan's 456 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 1 COSGROVE 404 97.3 2,509 14.6 ELECTED 5 Foster * 7 01.7 1,769 10.3 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 2 McPHEE - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 3 McRae - 1,411 08.2 SHERIDAN * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 4 Snowden 4 01.0 1,504 08.8 Remaining 415 17,157 Lost by fraction 3 41 Exhausted 38 236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 456 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Cosgrove's 18 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 1 COSGROVE - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 5 Foster * - 1,769 10.3 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 2 McPHEE - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 3 McRae - 1,411 08.2 SHERIDAN * - 2,491 14.5 ELECTED 4 Snowden - 1,504 08.8 Remaining - 17,139 Lost by fraction 1 42 Exhausted 17 253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 18 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: McRae's 1,411 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARY * - 2,491 14.7 ELECTED 1 COSGROVE - 2,491 14.7 ELECTED 5 Foster * 430 2,199 13.0 N E LEWIS * - 2,491 14.7 ELECTED 2 McPHEE - 2,491 14.7 ELECTED 3 SHERIDAN * - 2,491 14.7 ELECTED 4 SNOWDEN 772 2,276 13.4 ELECTED 6 Remaining 1,202 16,930 Lost by fraction 3 45 Exhausted 139 392 Not distributed 67 67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,411 17,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Snowden was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Matthew Foster (1884-1956): Elected 1917 by. Defeated 1919. Later career: Senator for Tasmania 1920-25. Died 6 June 1956 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Davenport Hoggins (1862-1923): Elected 1898 by. Defeated 1900. Elected 1900 by. Defeated 1903. Elected 1917 by. Defeated 1919 Died 28 April 1923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Henry Cleary (1854-1937): Elected 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Cosgrove (1884-1969): Elected 1919 Born: 28 December 1884, Tea Tree Career: Grocer. Founder Shop Assistants' Union. Secretary, Mercantile Employees' Union. President Tasmanian Labor Party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil Elliott Lewis (1858-1935): Elected 1886, 1891. Accepted office 1892. Elected 1892 by, 1893, 1897. Accepted office 1899. Elected 1899 by, 1900. Defeated 1903. Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 Lewis retired at the 1922 election Died 22 September 1935 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treasurer to 28 June 1922 Minister for Mines to 28 June 1922 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Cameron McPhee (1878-1952): Elected 1919 Born: 4 July 1878, Victoria Career: To Tas 1909. Businessman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Sheridan (1858-1931): Elected 1909, 1912. Defeated 1912. Elected 1914 by, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Eccles Snowdon (1880-1934): Elected 1919 Born: 22 March 1880, Hobart Career: Businessman. Military service 1914-16. Hobart City Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKLIN (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Bellerive, Campbell Town, Kingston, New Norfolk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 22,525 Total votes cast: 14,667 65.1 Informal votes: 490 03.3 Formal votes: 14,177 96.7 Quota for election: 2,026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicholas J Brooks 448 03.2 Arthur Cotton * Nationalist 983 06.9 George H C Cummins Nationalist 1,317 09.3 David E DICKER * Labor 3,037 21.4 ELECTED 1 William H Dixon Nationalist 1,102 07.8 John W Evans * Nationalist 1,574 11.1 Alexander Hean * Nationalist 1,081 07.6 Francis J Hyndes Nationalist 161 01.1 Richard Johnson Nationalist 182 01.3 Thomas W Keogh Labor 533 03.8 Arthur Morrisby Nationalist 589 04.2 Albert J Ogilvie Labor 938 06.6 William W F Pearce Labor 354 02.5 Frank B Rathbone Nationalist 378 02.7 William H Reece Labor 426 03.0 William E Shoobridge * Labor 489 03.4 Benjamin Watkins Labor 585 04.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Morrisby was MLC for Gordon 1899-1916. 2. For Pearce, see Franklin 1922. 3. Watkins was MHA for Queenborough 1906-09, for Darwin 1909-17. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Dicker's 1,011 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooks 9 00.9 457 03.2 Cotton * 9 00.9 992 07.0 Cummins 5 00.5 1,322 09.3 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 14 01.4 1,116 07.9 Evans * 15 01.5 1,589 11.2 Hean * 5 00.5 1,086 07.7 Hyndes 4 00.4 165 01.2 Johnson 5 00.5 187 01.3 Keogh 266 26.6 799 05.6 Morrisby 2 00.2 591 04.2 Ogilvie 277 27.7 1,215 08.6 Pearce 42 04.2 396 02.8 Rathbone 2 00.2 380 02.7 Reece 62 06.2 488 03.4 Shoobridge * 131 13.1 620 04.4 Watkins 153 15.3 738 05.2 Remaining 1,001 14,167 Lost by fraction 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,011 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Hyndes's 165 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooks 2 01.2 459 03.2 Cotton * 7 04.3 999 07.1 Cummins 11 06.8 1,333 09.4 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 13 08.0 1,129 08.0 Evans * 33 20.4 1,622 11.5 Hean * 18 11.1 1,104 07.8 Johnson 45 27.8 232 01.6 Keogh 1 00.6 800 05.6 Morrisby 19 11.7 610 04.3 Ogilvie 2 01.2 1,217 08.6 Pearce - 396 02.8 Rathbone 5 03.0 385 02.7 Reece - 488 03.4 Shoobridge * 4 02.5 624 04.4 Watkins 2 01.2 740 05.2 Remaining 162 14,164 Lost by fraction 3 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 165 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Johnson's 232 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooks 2 00.9 461 03.3 Cotton * 16 07.0 1,015 07.2 Cummins 22 09.6 1,355 09.6 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 17 07.5 1,146 08.1 Evans * 72 31.6 1,694 12.0 Hean * 31 13.6 1,135 08.0 Keogh 16 07.0 816 05.8 Morrisby 23 10.1 633 04.5 Ogilvie 8 03.5 1,225 08.7 Pearce 3 01.3 399 02.8 Rathbone 6 01.6 391 02.8 Reece 2 00.9 490 03.5 Shoobridge * 5 02.2 629 04.4 Watkins 5 02.2 745 05.3 Remaining 228 14,160 Lost by fraction 4 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 232 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Rathbone's 391 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooks 5 01.3 466 03.3 Cotton * 56 14.4 1,071 07.6 Cummins 26 06.7 1,381 09.8 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 117 30.1 1,263 08.9 Evans * 47 12.1 1,741 12.3 Hean * 57 14.7 1,192 08.4 Keogh 2 00.5 818 05.8 Morrisby 59 15.2 692 04.9 Ogilvie 5 01.3 1,230 08.7 Pearce 8 02.1 407 02.9 Reece - 490 03.5 Shoobridge * 4 01.0 633 04.5 Watkins 3 00.8 748 05.3 Remaining 389 14,158 Lost by fraction 2 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 391 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Pearce's 407 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brooks 5 12.5 471 03.3 Cotton * 1 00.3 1,072 07.6 Cummins 1 00.3 1,382 09.8 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 8 02.0 1,271 09.0 Evans * 4 01.0 1,745 12.3 Hean * 1 00.3 1,193 08.4 Keogh 44 11.0 862 06.1 Morrisby 1 00.3 693 04.9 Ogilvie 156 39.0 1,386 09.8 Reece 43 10.8 533 03.8 Shoobridge * 74 18.5 707 05.0 Watkins 62 15.5 810 05.7 Remaining 400 14,151 Lost by fraction 4 23 Exhausted 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 407 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Brooks's 471 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * 97 20.9 1,169 08.3 Cummins 33 07.1 1,415 10.0 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 46 09.9 1,317 09.3 Evans * 38 08.2 1,783 12.6 Hean * 38 08.2 1,231 08.7 Keogh 47 10.1 909 06.4 Morrisby 11 02.4 704 05.0 Ogilvie 85 18.3 1,471 10.4 Reece 9 01.9 542 03.8 Shoobridge * 34 07.3 741 05.2 Watkins 26 05.6 836 05.0 Remaining 464 14,144 Lost by fraction - 23 Exhausted 7 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 471 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Reece's 542 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * 1 00.2 1,170 08.3 Cummins - 1,415 10.0 DICKER * - 2,026 14.3 ELECTED 1 Dixon 11 02.1 1,328 09.4 Evans * 6 01.1 1,789 12.7 Hean * 5 00.9 1,236 08.7 Keogh 141 26.7 1,050 07.4 Morrisby 2 00.4 706 05.0 Ogilvie 190 36.0 1,661 11.8 Shoobridge * 96 18.2 837 05.9 Watkins 76 14.4 912 06.5 Remaining 528 14,130 Lost by fraction 3 26 Exhausted 11 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 542 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: Morrisby's 706 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * 147 21.2 1,317 09.3 Cummins 76 11.0 1,491 10.6 DICKER * - 2,026 14.4 ELECTED 1 Dixon 91 13.1 1,419 10.1 Evans * 141 20.3 1,930 13.7 Hean * 206 29.7 1,442 10.2 Keogh 5 00.7 1,055 07.5 Ogilvie 13 01.9 1,674 11.9 Shoobridge * 12 01.7 849 06.0 Watkins 2 00.3 914 06.5 Remaining 693 14,117 Lost by fraction 2 28 Exhausted 11 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 706 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Shoobridge's 849 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * 11 01.4 1,328 09.5 Cummins 22 02.8 1,513 10.8 DICKER * - 2,026 14.4 ELECTED 1 Dixon 17 02.2 1,436 10.2 Evans * 13 01.7 1,943 13.8 Hean * 16 02.1 1,458 10.4 Keogh 96 12.2 1,151 08.2 Ogilvie 182 23.2 1,856 13.2 Watkins 423 54.2 1,337 09.5 Remaining 780 14,048 Lost by fraction 12 40 Exhausted 57 89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 849 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th count: Keogh's 1,151 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * 9 00.9 1,337 09.6 Cummins 11 01.1 1,524 10.9 DICKER * - 2,026 14.6 ELECTED 1 Dixon 21 02.1 1,457 10.5 Evans * 15 01.5 1,958 14.1 Hean * 13 01.3 1,471 10.6 OGILVIE 304 29.8 2,160 15.5 ELECTED 2 Watkins 648 63.5 1,985 04.2 Remaining 1,021 13,918 Lost by fraction 7 47 Exhausted 123 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,151 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th count: Ogilvie's 134 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * - 1,337 09.6 Cummins - 1,524 11.0 DICKER * - 2,026 14.6 ELECTED 1 Dixon - 1,457 10.5 Evans * 1 00.7 1,959 14.1 Hean * - 1,471 10.6 OGILVIE - 2,026 14.6 ELECTED 2 WATKINS 110 99.3 2,095 15.1 ELECTED 3 Remaining 111 13,895 Lost by fraction 4 51 Exhausted 19 231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 134 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th count: Watkins's 69 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton * - 1,337 09.7 Cummins - 1,524 11.0 DICKER * - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 1 Dixon 2 1,459 10.6 Evans * - 1,959 14.2 Hean * - 1,471 10.6 OGILVIE - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 2 WATKINS - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 3 Remaining 2 13,828 Lost by fraction 3 54 Exhausted 64 295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 69 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th count: Cotton's 1,337 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 230 18.2 1,754 12.8 DICKER * - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 1 Dixon 348 27.6 1,807 13.1 EVANS * 271 21.5 2,230 16.2 ELECTED 4 Hean * 412 32.7 1,883 13.7 OGILVIE - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 2 WATKINS - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 3 Remaining 1,261 13,752 Lost by fraction 2 56 Exhausted 74 369 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,337 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th count: Evans's 204 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 10 05.4 1,764 12.8 DICKER * - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 1 Dixon 24 13.0 1,831 13.3 EVANS * - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 4 HEAN * 150 81.5 2,033 14.8 ELECTED 5 OGILVIE - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 2 WATKINS - 2,026 14.7 ELECTED 3 Remaining 184 13,732 Lost by fraction 2 58 Exhausted 18 387 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 204 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16th count: Heans's 7 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cummins 2 50.0 1,766 12.9 DICKER * - 2,026 14.8 ELECTED 1 DIXON 2 50.0 1,833 13.4 ELECTED 6 EVANS * - 2,026 14.8 ELECTED 4 HEAN * - 2,026 14.8 ELECTED 5 OGILVIE - 2,026 14.8 ELECTED 2 WATKINS - 2,026 14.8 ELECTED 3 Remaining 4 13,729 Lost by fraction 1 59 Exhausted 2 389 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 7 14,177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dixon was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Cotton (1857-1920): Elected 1913. Defeated 1916. Elected 1917 by. Defeated 1919 Died 6 December 1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Ebenezer Shoobridge (1846-1940): Elected 1916. Defeated 1919 Later career: see Franklin 1922 countback ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Edward Dicker (1882-1967): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Henry Dixon (1860-1935): Elected 1919 Born: 28 May 1860, Ouse Career: Farmer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John William Evans (1855-1943): Elected 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaker of the House of Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Hean (1859-1927): Elected 1903, 1906, 1909. Defeated 1912. Elected 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Member of the Executive Council without Office 3 July 1919 to 4 August 1919 Minister for Lands from 5 August 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albert George Ogilvie (1890-1939): Elected 1919 Born: 10 March 1890, Hobart Career: Educated University of Tasmania. Barrister 1914. Legal adviser to Trades Hall Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMOT (six members to be elected) ======================================================================== Main polling places: Deloraine, Devonport, Longford, Ulverstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enrolled voters: 18,432 Total votes cast: 11,652 63.2 Informal votes: 706 06.1 Formal votes: 10,946 93.9 Quota for election: 1,564 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candidate Party Votes % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest F B BLYTH * Nationalist 1,668 15.2 ELECTED 3 William J Connell * Nationalist 293 02.7 Sidney Foskett Labor 352 03.2 Herbert Hays * Nationalist 973 08.9 Hon Walter H LEE * Nationalist 2,775 24.4 ELECTED 1 Hon Joseph A LYONS * Labor 1,892 17.3 ELECTED 2 Henry H McFie Nationalist 531 04.9 Michael O'Keefe * Labor 720 06.6 George G Pullen Nationalist 895 08.2 Frank Rose Nationalist 505 04.6 Christopher Sheedy Labor 342 03.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. For McFie, see Darwin 1925. 2. Pullen was MHA for Darwin 1912-16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd count: Lee's 1,211 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,668 15.2 ELECTED 3 Connell * 64 05.3 357 03.3 Foskett 3 00.2 355 03.2 HAYS * 689 57.1 1,662 15.2 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,892 17.3 ELECTED 2 McFie 75 06.2 606 05.5 O'Keefe * 9 07.5 729 06.7 Pullen 263 21.8 1,158 10.6 Rose 103 08.5 608 05.6 Sheedy 1 00.1 343 03.1 Remaining 1,207 10,942 Lost by fraction 2 2 Exhausted 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,211 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd count: Lyons's 328 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,668 15.2 ELECTED 3 Connell * 3 00.9 360 03.3 Foskett 20 06.2 375 03.4 HAYS * - 1,662 15.2 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie 10 03.1 616 05.6 O'Keefe * 238 73.5 967 08.8 Pullen 2 00.6 1,160 10.6 Rose 2 00.6 610 05.6 Sheedy 49 15.1 392 03.6 Remaining 324 10,938 Lost by fraction - 2 Exhausted 4 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 328 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4th count: Blyth's 104 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 3 Connell * 31 32.0 391 03.6 Foskett 1 01.0 376 03.4 HAYS * - 1,662 15.2 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie 26 26.8 642 05.9 O'Keefe * 5 05.2 972 08.9 Pullen 13 13.4 1,173 10.7 Rose 20 20.6 630 05.8 Sheedy 1 01.0 393 03.6 Remaining 97 10,931 Lost by fraction 4 6 Exhausted 3 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 104 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5th count: Hays's 98 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 3 Connell * 17 18.3 408 03.7 Foskett - 376 03.4 HAYS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie 15 16.1 657 06.0 O'Keefe * - 972 08.9 Pullen 44 47.3 1,217 11.1 Rose 17 18.3 647 05.9 Sheedy - 393 03.6 Remaining 93 10,926 Lost by fraction 4 10 Exhausted 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 98 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6th count: Foskett's 376 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 3 Connell * 4 01.1 412 03.8 HAYS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.3 ELECTED 2 McFie 10 02.7 667 06.1 O'Keefe * 225 61.5 1,197 11.0 Pullen 4 01.1 1,221 11.2 Rose 7 01.9 654 06.0 Sheedy 116 509 04.7 Remaining 366 10,916 Lost by fraction 2 12 Exhausted 8 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 376 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th count: Connell's 412 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.4 ELECTED 3 HAYS * - 1,564 14.4 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.4 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.4 ELECTED 2 McFie 131 37.2 798 07.3 O'Keefe * 66 18.8 1,263 11.6 Pullen 56 15.9 1,277 11.8 Rose 90 25.6 744 06.9 Sheedy 9 02.6 518 04.8 Remaining 352 10,856 Lost by fraction 6 18 Exhausted 54 72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 412 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8th count: Sheedy's 518 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.6 ELECTED 3 HAYS * - 1,564 14.6 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.6 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.6 ELECTED 2 McFie 8 02.3 806 07.5 O'KEEFE * 309 90.1 1,572 14.7 ELECTED 5 Pullen 7 02.0 1,284 12.0 Rose 19 05.5 763 07.1 Remaining 343 10,681 Lost by fraction 3 21 Exhausted 172 244 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 518 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9th count: O'Keefe's 8 surplus votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.7 ELECTED 3 HAYS * - 1,564 14.7 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.7 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.7 ELECTED 2 McFie - 806 07.6 O'KEEFE * - 1,564 14.7 ELECTED 5 Pullen - 1,284 12.0 Rose - 763 07.1 Remaining - 10,673 Lost by fraction 1 22 Exhausted 7 251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 8 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th count: Rose's 763 votes distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLYTH * - 1,564 14.8 ELECTED 3 HAYS * - 1,564 14.8 ELECTED 4 LEE * - 1,564 14.8 ELECTED 1 LYONS * - 1,564 14.8 ELECTED 2 McFie 363 56.6 1,169 11.1 O'KEEFE * - 1,564 14.8 ELECTED 5 PULLEN 278 43.4 1,562 14.8 ELECTED 6 Remaining 641 10,551 Lost by fraction 7 29 Exhausted 115 366 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 763 10,946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pullen was declared elected since he had the higher vote of the two remaining candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William John Connell (1858-1945): Elected 1919 by. Defeated 1919 Died 14 April 1945 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ernest Frederick Burns Blyth (1872-1933): Elected 1913 by, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbert Hays (1869-1960): Elected 1911 by, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Member of the Executive Council with office ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Henry Lee (1874-1963): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premier Chief Secretary Minister for Education Leader of the Nationalist Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1879-1939): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 Resigned October 1919 Later career: contested federal seat of Darwin, 1919 election. Defeated. See vacancy below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader of the Opposition to 22 October 1919 Leader of the Labor Party to 22 October 1919 Leader of the Opposition from 2 August 1920 Leader of the Labor Party from 2 August 1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Ignatius O'Keefe (1864-1926): Elected 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Gerald Pullen (1873-1953): Elected 1912, 1913. Defeated 1916 Elected 1919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VACANCIES 1919-22 ======================================================================== WILMOT ======================================================================== 10 January 1920, following the resignation of Hon Joseph A Lyons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hon Joseph A LYONS Labor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lyons was MHA for Wilmot 1909-19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1879-1939): Elected 1909, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1919. Resigned 1919. Filled vacancy 1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Under the Electoral Act, where a member resigned their seat, they were given the opportunity to renominate before a countback was conducted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARWIN ======================================================================== 29 January 1920, following the resignation of Hon Herbert J M Payne ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percival G POLLARD Nationalist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pollard was MHA for Darwin 1917-19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percival George Pollard (1883-1948) Elected 1917 by. Defeated 1919. Filled vacancy 1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------