WILLS ==================================================================== Melbourne: Brunswick, Coburg, Glenroy, Fawkner, Pascoe Vale -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Labor over Greens 08.2 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberals 25.9 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 108,402 -02.0 Votes cast: 96,053 88.6 -02.1 Informal votes: 4,855 04.9 +00.7 Formal votes: 91,198 95.1 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Wright Lib 15,771 17.3 -00.8 Jill Tindal PHON 2,554 02.8 Emma Black VS 2,714 03.0 -01.5 Sam Sergi AFP 789 00.9 Sue Bolton SAll 3,096 03.4 Irene Zivkovic UAP 3,352 03.7 +00.6 Peter Khalil * ALP 35,449 38.9 -05.3 Leah Horsfall AJP 1,680 01.8 -01.9 Sarah Jefford Grn 25,793 28.3 +02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Sergi's 789 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 102 12.9 15,873 17.4 Tindal 253 32.1 2,807 03.1 Black 82 10.4 2,796 03.1 Bolton 72 09.1 3,168 03.5 Zivkovic 137 17.4 3,489 03.8 Khalil * 69 08.8 35,518 39.0 Horsfall 47 06.0 1,727 01.9 Jefford 27 03.4 25,820 28.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 789 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Horsfall's 1,727 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 122 07.1 15,995 17.5 Tindal 108 06.3 2,915 03.2 Black 151 08.7 2,947 03.2 Bolton 165 09.6 3,333 03.7 Zivkovic 117 06.8 3,606 04.0 Khalil * 329 19.1 35,847 39.3 Jefford 735 42.6 26,555 29.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,727 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Tindal's 2,915 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 418 14.3 16,413 18.0 Black 212 07.3 3,159 03.5 Bolton 150 05.2 3,483 03.8 Zivkovic 1,810 62.1 5,416 05.9 Khalil * 208 07.1 36,055 39.5 Jefford 117 04.0 26,672 29.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,915 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Black's 3,159 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 170 05.4 16,583 18.2 Bolton 1,705 54.0 5,188 05.7 Zivkovic 126 04.0 5,542 06.1 Khalil * 266 08.4 36,321 39.8 Jefford 892 28.2 27,564 30.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,159 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Bolton's 5,188 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 248 04.8 16,831 18.5 Zivkovic 517 10.0 6,059 06.6 Khalil * 938 18.1 37,259 40.9 Jefford 3,485 67.2 31,049 34.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,188 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Zivkovic's 6,059 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright 3,007 49.6 19,838 21.8 Khalil * 1,607 26.5 38,866 42.6 Jefford 1,445 23.9 32,494 35.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,059 91,198 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Wright's 19,838 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KHALIL * 14,549 73.3 53,415 58.6 Jefford 5,289 26.7 37,783 41.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,838 91,198 08.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a swing of 0.4% from the Greens to Labor. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Khalil (born 1973): Elected 2016, 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------