WENTWORTH ==================================================================== Sydney: Bondi, Paddington, Vaucluse, Waverley, Woollahra -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Liberal over Independent 01.3 2019 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 09.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 103,716 +00.1 Votes cast: 91,200 87.9 -01.5 Informal votes: 2,277 02.5 -00.5 Formal votes: 88,923 97.5 +00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Murray ALP 9,654 10.8 -00.4 Dean Fisher PHON 895 01.0 Dominic Wy Kanak Grn 7,410 08.3 +00.8 Natalie Dumer UAP 1,813 02.0 +01.3 Allegra Spender 31,810 35.8 Daniel Lewkovitz LDP 1,346 01.5 Dave Sharma * Lib 35,995 40.5 -06.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 88,923 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Fisher's 895 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Murray 56 06.3 9,710 10.9 Kanak 56 06.3 7,466 08.4 Dumer 475 53.1 2,288 02.6 Spender 76 08.5 31,886 35.9 Lewkovitz 126 14.1 1,472 01.7 Sharma * 106 11.8 36,101 40.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 895 88,923 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Lewkovitz's 1,472 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Murray 56 03.8 9,766 11.0 Kanak 44 03.0 7,510 08.5 Dumer 650 44.2 2,938 03.3 Spender 126 08.6 32,012 36.0 Sharma * 596 40.5 36,697 41.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,472 88,923 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Dumer's 2,938 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Murray 311 10.6 10,077 11.3 Kanak 269 09.2 7,779 08.8 Spender 932 31.7 32,944 37.1 Sharma * 1,426 48.5 38,123 42.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,938 88,923 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Kanak's 7,779 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Murray 2,835 36.4 12,912 14.5 Spender 4,442 57.1 37,386 42.0 Sharma * 502 06.5 38,625 43.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,779 88,923 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Murray's 12,912 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SPENDER 10,800 83.6 48,186 54.2 Sharma * 2,112 16.4 40,737 45.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,912 88,923 04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Devanand Noel Sharma (born 1975): Elected 2019. Defeated 2022 > Allegra Spender: Elected 2022 Born: Sydney Career: Educated University of Cambridge. Management consultant, civil servant (UK). Business manager, Sydney. Daughter of John Spender MHR and granddaughter of Hon Sir Percy Spender MHR. --------------------------------------------------------------------