SWAN ==================================================================== Perth: Belmont, Cannington, Forrestfield, High Wycombe, South Perth -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 02.7 Effect of 2021 redistribution: 00.5 shift to Liberal 2022 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 121,189 +20.4 Votes cast: 105,581 87.1 -01.5 Informal votes: 5,545 05.3 -00.5 Formal votes: 100,036 94.8 +00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Hilton UAP 2,637 02.6 +00.8 Matthew Thompson LDP 1,821 01.8 Timothy Green AJP 2,214 02.2 Zaneta Mascarenhas ALP 39,082 39.1 +06.2 Carl Pallier AFP 792 00.8 Rod Bradley WAP 2,059 02.1 +00.7 Peter Hallifax PHON 2,544 02.6 -00.3 Kristy McSweeney + Lib 32,096 32.1 -12.7 Clint Uink Grn 14,861 14.9 +02.9 Dena Gower AC 1,930 01.9 +00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Pallier's 792 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 104 13.1 2,741 02.7 Thompson 135 17.1 1,956 02.0 Green 59 07.5 2,273 02.3 Mascarenhas 64 08.1 39,146 39.1 Bradley 119 15.0 2,178 02.2 Hallifax 152 19.2 2,696 02.7 McSweeney + 22 02.8 32,118 32.1 Uink 32 04.0 14,893 14.9 Gower 105 13.3 2,035 02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 792 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Thompson's 1,956 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 301 15.4 3,042 03.0 Green 198 10.1 2,471 02.5 Mascarenhas 294 15.0 39,440 39.4 Bradley 228 11.7 2,406 02.4 Hallifax 248 12.7 2,944 02.9 McSweeney + 523 26.7 32,641 32.6 Uink 107 05.5 15,000 15.0 Gower 57 02.9 2,092 02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,956 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Gower's 2,092 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 441 21.1 3,483 03.5 Green 96 04.6 2,567 02.6 Mascarenhas 205 09.8 39,645 39.6 Bradley 148 07.1 2,554 02.6 Hallifax 323 15.4 3,267 03.3 McSweeney + 645 30.8 33,286 33.3 Uink 234 11.2 15,234 15.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,092 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Bradley's 2,554 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 241 09.4 3,724 03.7 Green 426 16.7 2,993 03.0 Mascarenhas 550 21.5 40,195 40.2 Hallifax 423 16.6 3,690 03.7 McSweeney + 558 21.9 33,844 33.8 Uink 356 13.9 15,590 15.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,554 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Green's 2,993 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 430 14.4 4,154 04.2 Mascarenhas 714 23.9 40,909 40.9 Hallifax 343 11.5 4,033 04.0 McSweeney + 312 10.4 34,156 34.1 Uink 1,194 39.9 16,784 16.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,993 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Hallifax's 4,033 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilton 2,242 55.6 6,369 06.4 Mascarenhas 489 12.1 41,398 41.4 McSweeney + 743 18.4 34,899 34.9 Uink 559 13.9 17,343 17.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,033 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Hilton's 6,369 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mascarenhas 1,776 27.8 43,174 43.2 McSweeney + 2,782 43.5 37,681 37.7 Uink 1,838 28.7 19,181 19.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,369 100,036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Uink's 19,181 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- MASCARENHAS 15,622 81.5 58,796 58.8 McSweeney + 3,559 18.6 41,240 41.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,181 100,036 08.8 12.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Zaneta Felice Antoinetta Mascarenhas: Elected 2022 Born: Kalgoorlie, WA Career: Educated Murdoch University, Curtin University. Scientist and engineer. WA Manager, Energetics. World Bank consultant, Bangladesh. --------------------------------------------------------------------