RICHMOND ==================================================================== NSW North Coast: Ballina, Brunswick Heads, Byron Bay, Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Nationals 04.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 118,638 -00.7 Votes cast: 107,208 90.4 -00.4 Informal votes: 7,424 06.9 -00.6 Formal votes: 99,784 93.1 +00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry Sharples 1,274 01.3 Nathan Jones 1,974 02.0 Monica Shepherd IMOP 2,271 02.3 David Warth 2,341 02.4 Gary Biggs LDP 7,681 07.7 Hon Justine Elliot * ALP 28,733 28.8 -03.0 Kimberly Hone Nat 23,299 23.3 -13.5 Tracey Bell-Henselin PHON 4,073 04.1 Mandy Nolan Grn 25,216 25.3 +05.0 Robert Marks UAP 2,922 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Sharples's 1,274 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jones 903 70.9 2,877 02.9 Shepherd 101 07.9 2,372 02.4 Warth 94 07.4 2,435 02.4 Biggs 38 03.0 7,719 07.7 Elliot * 30 02.4 28,763 28.8 Hone 31 02.4 23,330 23.4 Bell-Henselin 23 01.8 4,096 04.1 Nolan 30 02.4 25,246 25.3 Marks 24 01.9 2,946 03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,274 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Shepherd's 2,372 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jones 416 17.5 3,293 03.3 Warth 991 41.8 3,426 03.4 Biggs 217 09.2 7,936 08.0 Elliot * 75 03.2 28,838 28.9 Hone 41 01.7 23,371 23.4 Bell-Henselin 263 11.1 4,359 04.4 Nolan 193 08.1 25,439 25.5 Marks 176 07.4 3,122 03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,372 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Marks's 3,122 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jones 225 07.2 3,518 03.5 Warth 157 05.0 3,583 03.6 Biggs 523 16.8 8,459 08.5 Elliot * 178 05.7 29,016 29.1 Hone 257 08.2 23,628 23.7 Bell-Henselin 1,451 46.5 5,810 05.8 Nolan 331 10.6 25,770 25.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,122 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Jones's 3,518 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Warth 2,343 66.6 5,926 05.9 Biggs 210 06.0 8,669 08.7 Elliot * 294 08.4 29,310 29.4 Hone 219 06.2 23,847 23.0 Bell-Henselin 126 03.6 5,936 06.0 Nolan 326 09.3 26,096 26.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,518 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Warth's 5,926 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Biggs 2,465 41.6 11,134 11.2 Elliot * 568 09.6 29,878 29.9 Hone 479 08.1 24,326 24.4 Bell-Henselin 1,148 19.4 7,084 07.1 Nolan 1,266 21.4 27,362 27.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,926 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Bell-Henselin's 7,084 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Biggs 2,965 41.9 14,099 14.1 Elliot * 824 11.6 30,702 30.8 Hone 2,052 29.0 26,378 26.4 Nolan 1,243 17.6 28,605 28.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,084 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Biggs's 14,099 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot * 2,677 19.0 33,379 33.5 Hone 9,175 65.1 35,553 35.6 Nolan 2,247 15.9 30,852 30.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,099 99,784 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Nolan's 30,852 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELLIOT * 24,725 80.1 58,104 58.2 Hone 6,127 19.9 41,680 41.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 30,852 99,784 08.2 04.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria Justine Elliot (born 1967): Elected 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Assistant Minister for Social Services from 1 June 2022 Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence from 1 June 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------