PAGE ==================================================================== North Coast: Casino, Glenreagh, Grafton, Kyogle, Lismore -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Nationals over Labor 09.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 122,892 +00.1 Votes cast: 112,408 91.5 -01.0 Informal votes: 7,839 07.0 +02.2 Formal votes: 104,569 93.0 -02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Searles LDP 3,896 03.7 Donna Pike PHON 5,621 05.4 Kashmir Miller Grn 8,863 08.5 -03.2 Heather Smith AFP 816 00.8 Patrick Deegan ALP 19,531 18.7 -07.7 Brett Duroux IAPA 1,733 01.7 Ian Williamson UAP 2,431 02.3 -00.9 Hon Kevin Hogan * Nat 47,701 45.6 -04.0 Dr Hanabeth Luke 13,734 13.1 Serge Killingbeck TNL 243 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Killingbeck's 243 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Searles 14 05.8 3,910 03.7 Pike 11 04.5 5,632 05.4 Miller 25 10.3 8,888 08.5 Smith 8 03.3 824 00.8 Deegan 17 07.0 19,548 18.7 Duroux 17 07.0 1,750 01.7 Williamson 12 04.9 2,443 02.3 Hogan * 27 11.1 47,728 45.6 Luke 112 46.1 13,846 13.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 243 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Smith's 824 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Searles 295 35.8 4,205 04.0 Pike 148 18.0 5,780 05.5 Miller 59 07.2 8,947 08.6 Deegan 44 05.3 19,592 18.7 Duroux 70 08.5 1,820 01.7 Williamson 52 06.3 2,495 02.4 Hogan * 59 07.2 47,787 45.7 Luke 97 11.8 13,846 13.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 824 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Duroux's 1,820 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Searles 91 05.0 4,296 04.1 Pike 160 08.8 5,940 05.7 Miller 395 21.7 9,342 08.9 Deegan 285 15.7 19,877 19.0 Williamson 129 07.1 2,624 02.5 Hogan * 268 14.7 48,055 46.0 Luke 492 27.0 14,435 13.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,820 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Williamson's 2,624 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Searles 528 20.1 4,824 04.6 Pike 1,008 38.4 6,948 06.6 Miller 118 04.5 9,460 09.1 Deegan 165 06.3 20,042 19.2 Hogan * 468 17.8 48,523 46.4 Luke 337 12.8 14,772 14.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,624 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Searles's 4,824 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pike 2,163 44.8 9,111 08.7 Miller 306 06.3 9,766 09.3 Deegan 325 06.7 20,367 19.5 Hogan * 1,560 32.3 50,083 47.9 Luke 470 09.7 15,242 14.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,824 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Pike's 9,111 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Miller 1,025 11.3 10,791 10.3 Deegan 1,141 12.5 21,508 20.6 HOGAN * 3,626 39.8 53,709 51.4 Luke 3,319 36.4 18,561 17.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,111 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Miller's 10,791 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deegan 4,636 43.0 26,144 25.0 HOGAN * 1,070 09.9 54,779 52.4 Luke 5,085 47.1 23,646 22.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,791 104,569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Luke's 23,646 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deegan 14,913 63.1 41,057 39.3 HOGAN * 8,733 36.9 63,512 60.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 23,646 104,569 10.7 01.3 to Nat -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin John Hogan (born 1963): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister to 23 May 2022 Assistant Minister for Local Government to 23 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------