O'CONNOR ==================================================================== Southern WA: Albany, Kalgoorlie, Katanning, Narrogin, Wagin -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 14.5 Effect of 2021 redistribution: 00.9 shift to Liberal 2022 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 15.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 117,798 +15.8 Votes cast: 102,624 87.1 -02.9 Informal votes: 5,906 05.8 -00.4 Formal votes: 96,718 94.3 +00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stan Kustrin PHON 6,833 07.1 -01.4 Shaneane Weldon ALP 25,754 26.6 +06.0 Giz Watson Grn 10,284 10.6 +02.5 Isaac Middle AFP 1,348 01.4 Morris Bessant WAP 2,366 02.5 +00.9 Justin Moseley AC 2,779 02.9 +00.2 Tracy Tirronen UAP 1,722 01.8 -00.1 Brenden Barber GAP 2,337 02.4 +01.5 Rick Wilson * Lib 43,295 44.8 +02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Watson was MLC for North Metropolitan Region 1997-2013. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Middle's 1,348 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kustrin 166 12.3 6,999 07.2 Weldon 78 05.8 25,832 26.7 Watson 134 09.9 10,418 10.8 Bessant 163 12.1 2,529 02.6 Moseley 101 07.5 2,880 03.0 Tirronen 97 07.2 1,819 01.9 Barber 542 40.2 2,879 03.0 Wilson * 67 05.0 43,362 44.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,348 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Tirronen's 1,819 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kustrin 782 43.0 7,781 08.1 Weldon 104 05.7 25,936 26.8 Watson 85 04.7 10,503 10.9 Bessant 139 07.6 2,668 02.8 Moseley 123 06.8 3,003 03.1 Barber 381 21.0 3,260 03.4 Wilson * 205 11.3 43,567 45.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,819 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bessant's 2,668 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kustrin 448 16.8 8,229 08.5 Weldon 417 15.6 26,353 27.3 Watson 456 17.1 10,959 11.3 Moseley 222 08.3 3,225 03.3 Barber 629 23.6 3,889 04.0 Wilson * 496 18.6 44,063 45.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,668 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Moseley's 3,225 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kustrin 681 21.1 8,910 09.2 Weldon 219 06.8 26,572 27.5 Watson 170 05.3 11,129 11.5 Barber 508 15.8 4,397 04.6 Wilson * 1,647 51.1 45,710 47.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,225 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Barber's 4,397 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kustrin 2,813 64.0 11,723 12.1 Weldon 298 06.8 26,870 27.8 Watson 609 13.9 11,738 12.1 Wilson * 677 15.4 46,387 48.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,397 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Kustrin's 11,723 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Weldon 3,231 27.6 30,101 31.1 Watson 3,478 29.7 15,216 15.7 WILSON * 5,014 42.8 51,401 53.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,723 96,718 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Watson's 15,216 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Weldon 11,513 75.7 41,614 43.0 WILSON * 3,703 24.3 55,104 57.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,216 96,718 07.0 08.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard James Wilson (born 1966): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------