NICHOLLS ==================================================================== Northern Vic: Echuca, Nagambie, Seymour, Shepparton, Yarrawonga -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Nationals over Labor 20.0 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 114,386 +03.0 Votes cast: 103,350 90.4 -02.3 Informal votes: 8,159 07.9 +00.5 Formal votes: 95,191 92.1 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Laird LDP 3,366 03.5 Sam Birrell + Nat 24,886 26.1 -25.1 Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell PHON 6,219 06.5 -04.8 Bill Lodwick ALP 10,970 11.5 -07.9 Jeff Davy ACP 377 00.4 Robert Peterson UAP 3,821 04.0 -01.3 Ian Christoe Grn 3,058 03.2 -01.0 Andrea Otto Fus 653 00.7 Steve Brooks Lib 17,187 18.1 Eleonor Tabone AFP 367 00.4 Rob Priestly 24,287 25.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Tabone's 367 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Laird 42 11.4 3,408 03.6 Birrell + 19 05.2 24,905 26.2 Tyrrell 81 22.1 6,300 06.6 Lodwick 15 04.1 10,985 11.5 Davy 21 05.7 398 00.4 Peterson 27 07.4 3,848 04.0 Christoe 18 04.9 3,076 03.2 Otto 33 09.0 686 00.7 Brooks 34 09.3 17,221 18.1 Priestly 77 21.0 24,364 25.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 367 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Davy's 398 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Laird 43 10.8 3,451 03.6 Birrell + 38 09.6 24,943 26.2 Tyrrell 85 21.4 6,385 06.7 Lodwick 58 14.6 11,043 11.6 Peterson 52 13.1 3,900 04.1 Christoe 27 06.8 3,103 03.5 Otto 33 08.3 719 00.8 Brooks 15 03.8 17,236 18.1 Priestly 47 11.8 24,411 25.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 398 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Otto's 719 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Laird 35 04.9 3,486 03.7 Birrell + 40 05.6 24,983 26.3 Tyrrell 66 09.2 6,451 06.8 Lodwick 81 11.3 11,124 11.7 Peterson 46 06.4 3,946 04.2 Christoe 210 29.2 3,313 03.5 Brooks 45 06.3 17,281 18.2 Priestly 196 27.3 24,607 25.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 719 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Christoe's 3,313 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Laird 95 02.9 3,581 03.8 Birrell + 181 05.5 25,164 26.4 Tyrrell 156 04.7 6,607 06.9 Lodwick 1,261 38.1 12,385 13.0 Peterson 178 05.4 4,124 04.3 Brooks 205 06.2 17,486 18.4 Priestly 1,237 37.3 25,844 27.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,313 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Laird's 3,581 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Birrell + 1,324 37.0 26,488 27.8 Tyrrell 822 23.0 7,429 07.8 Lodwick 259 07.2 12,644 13.3 Peterson 269 07.5 4,393 04.6 Brooks 637 17.8 18,123 19.0 Priestly 270 07.5 26,114 27.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,581 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Peterson's 4,393 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Birrell + 629 14.3 27,117 28.5 Tyrrell 2,317 52.7 9,746 10.2 Lodwick 453 10.3 13,097 13.8 Brooks 386 08.8 18,509 19.4 Priestly 608 13.8 26,722 28.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,393 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Tyrrell's 9,746 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Birrell + 3,755 38.5 30,872 32.4 Lodwick 924 09.5 14,021 14.7 Brooks 1,563 16.0 20,072 21.1 Priestly 3,504 36.0 30,226 31.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,746 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Lodwick's 14,021 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Birrell + 3,313 23.6 34,185 35.9 Brooks 1,798 12.8 21,870 23.0 Priestly 8,910 63.6 39,136 41.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,021 95,191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Brooks's 21,870 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRRELL + 17,036 77.9 51,221 53.8 Priestly 4,834 22.1 43,970 46.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 21,870 95,191 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel Birrell: Elected 2022 Career: Educated University of Melbourne, La Trobe University (MBA). Agronomist. CEO, Committee for Greater Shepparton. --------------------------------------------------------------------