MELBOURNE ==================================================================== Melbourne: Carlton, Clifton Hill, Collingwood, Docklands, Richmond -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Greens over Liberal 21.8 2019 notional two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 17.1 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 114,388 +06.4 Votes cast: 99,499 87.0 -02.2 Informal votes: 2,993 03.0 -00.0 Formal votes: 96,506 97.0 +00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Borg UAP 1,709 01.8 +00.6 Keir Paterson ALP 24,155 25.0 +03.9 Dr Adam Bandt * Grn 47,883 49.6 +01.6 James Damches Lib 14,660 15.2 -06.0 Richard Peppard LDP 1,596 01.7 Scott Robson 1,094 01.1 Walter Stragan PHON 937 01.0 Bruce Poon AJP 1,316 01.4 -00.7 Colleen Bolger VS 3,156 03.3 +03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Stragan's 937 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Borg 335 35.8 2,044 02.1 Paterson 42 04.5 24,197 25.1 Bandt * 35 03.7 47,918 49.7 Damches 102 10.9 14,762 15.3 Peppard 241 25.7 1,837 01.9 Robson 73 07.8 1,167 01.2 Poon 85 09.1 1,401 01.5 Bolger 24 02.6 3,180 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 937 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Robson's 1,167 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Borg 144 12.3 2,188 02.3 Paterson 173 14.8 24,370 25.3 Bandt * 269 23.1 48,187 49.9 Damches 141 12.1 14,903 15.4 Peppard 189 16.2 2,026 02.1 Poon 154 13.2 1,555 01.6 Bolger 97 08.3 3,277 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,167 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Poon's 1,555 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Borg 99 06.4 2,287 02.4 Paterson 197 12.7 24,567 25.5 BANDT * 691 44.4 48,878 50.7 Damches 122 07.9 15,025 15.6 Peppard 81 05.2 2,107 02.2 Bolger 365 23.5 3,642 03.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,555 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Peppard's 2,107 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Borg 985 46.8 3,272 03.4 Paterson 165 07.8 24,732 25.6 BANDT * 188 08.9 49,066 50.8 Damches 659 31.3 15,684 16.3 Bolger 110 05.2 3,752 03.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,107 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Borg's 3,272 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paterson 678 20.7 25,410 26.3 BANDT * 360 11.0 49,426 51.2 Damches 1,387 42.4 17,071 17.7 Bolger 847 25.9 4,599 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,272 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Bolger's 4,599 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paterson 627 13.6 26,037 27.0 BANDT * 3,310 72.0 52,736 54.7 Damches 662 14.4 17,733 18.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,599 96,506 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Damches's 17,733 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paterson 12,419 70.0 38,456 39.9 BANDT * 5,314 30.0 58,050 60.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 17,733 96,506 10.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Paul Bandt (born 1972): Elected 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Leader of the Australian Greens --------------------------------------------------------------------