MAYO ==================================================================== East of Adelaide: McLaren Vale, Mt Barker, Stirling, Strathalbyn, Victor Harbor -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Centre Alliance over Liberal 05.1 2019 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 02.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 130,646 +06.9 Votes cast: 122,390 93.7 -01.3 Informal votes: 6,176 05.0 +02.0 Formal votes: 116,214 95.0 -02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marisa Bell ALP 21,051 18.1 +04.5 Padma Chaplin AJP 1,929 01.7 -00.4 Jacob Van Raalte LDP 1,424 01.2 Rebekha Sharkie * CA 36,500 31.4 -02.8 Greg Elliott Grn 13,705 11.8 +02.5 Allison Bluck Lib 31,411 27.0 -10.6 Samantha McGrail UAP 4,089 03.5 +00.3 Tonya Scott PHON 4,775 04.1 Mark Neugebauer AFP 1,330 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 116,214 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Gerhard's 870 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 33 02.5 21,084 18.1 Chaplin 72 05.4 2,001 01.7 Van Raalte 236 17.7 1,660 01.4 Sharkie * 85 06.4 36,585 31.5 Elliott 37 02.8 13,742 11.8 Bluck 81 06.1 31,492 27.1 McGrail 276 20.8 4,365 03.8 Scott 510 28.4 5,285 04.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 870 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Van Raalte's 1,660 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 139 08.4 21,223 18.3 Chaplin 114 06.9 2,115 01.8 Sharkie * 228 13.7 36,813 31.7 Elliott 114 06.9 13,856 11.9 Bluck 449 27.1 31,941 27.5 McGrail 262 15.8 4,627 04.0 Scott 354 21.3 5,639 04.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,660 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Chaplin's 2,115 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 332 15.7 21,555 18.6 Sharkie * 457 21.6 37,270 32.1 Elliott 825 39.0 14,681 12.6 Bluck 163 07.7 32,104 27.6 McGrail 152 07.2 4,779 04.1 Scott 186 08.8 5,825 05.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,115 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: McGrail's 4,779 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 277 05.8 21,832 18.8 Sharkie * 525 11.0 37,795 32.5 Elliott 337 07.1 15,018 12.9 Bluck 475 09.9 32,579 28.0 Scott 3,165 66.2 8,990 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,779 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Scott's 8,990 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 738 08.2 22,570 19.4 Sharkie * 3,757 41.8 41,552 35.8 Elliott 1,027 11.4 16,045 13.8 Bluck 3,468 38.6 36,047 31.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,990 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Elliott's 16,045 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell 7,350 45.8 29,920 25.8 Sharkie * 7,246 45.2 48,798 42.0 Bluck 1,449 09.0 37,496 32.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,045 112,764 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Bell's 29,920 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARKIE * 23,557 78.7 72,355 62.3 Bluck 6,363 21.3 43,859 37.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 29,920 112,764 12.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a 7.1% swing from the Liberals to Sharkie. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebekha Carina Che Sharkie (born 1972): Elected 2016. Resigned 2018. Elected 2018 by, 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------