MALLEE ==================================================================== Northern Vic: Horsham, Kerang, Mildura, Maryborough, Swan Hill -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Nationals over Labor 16.2 Effect of 2021 redistribution: 00.5 shift to Labor 2022 notional two-party majority: Nationals over Labor 15.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 120,129 +05.8 Votes cast: 108,342 90.2 -02.6 Informal votes: 6,113 05.6 -05.2 Formal votes: 102,229 94.4 +05.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Anne Webster * Nat 50,187 49.1 +22.6 Sophie Baldwin 10,256 10.0 Claudia Haenel 2,196 02.2 Chris Lahy ACP 822 00.8 +00.4 Carole Hart ALP 17,133 16.8 +00.2 Sam McColl Grn 5,463 05.4 +01.7 Stuart King UAP 9,271 09.1 +05.6 Vanessa Atkinson PHON 6,901 06.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Lahy's 822 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Webster * 130 15.8 50,317 49.2 Baldwin 160 19.5 10,416 10.2 Haenel 142 17.3 2,338 02.3 Hart 116 14.1 17,249 16.9 McColl 65 07.9 5,528 05.4 King 113 13.8 9,384 09.2 Atkinson 96 11.7 6,997 06.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 822 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Haenel's 2,338 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Webster * 382 16.3 50,699 49.6 Baldwin 1,257 53.8 11,673 11.4 Hart 295 12.6 17,544 17.2 McColl 146 06.2 5,674 05.6 King 119 05.1 9,503 09.3 Atkinson 139 06.0 7,136 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,338 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: McColl's 5,674 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSTER * 651 11.5 51,350 50.2 Baldwin 1,439 25.4 13,112 12.8 Hart 2,964 52.2 20,508 20.1 King 369 06.5 9,872 09.7 Atkinson 251 04.4 7,387 07.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,674 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Atkinson's 7,387 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSTER * 1,737 23.5 53,087 51.9 Baldwin 1,509 20.4 14,621 14.3 Hart 715 09.7 21,223 20.8 King 3,426 46.4 13,298 13.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,387 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: King's 13,298 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSTER * 4,396 33.1 57,483 56.2 Baldwin 6,691 50.3 21,312 20.9 Hart 2,211 16.6 23,434 22.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,298 102,229 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Baldwin's 21,312 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSTER * 13,040 61.2 70,523 69.0 Hart 8,272 38.8 31,706 31.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 21,312 102,229 19.0 03.3 to Nat -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anne Elizabeth Webster (born 1959): Elected 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------