KOOYONG ==================================================================== Melbourne: Balwyn, Camberwell, Canterbury, Hawthorn, Kew -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Liberal over Greens 05.7 2019 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 06.7 Effect of 2021 redistribution: 00.3 shift to Labor 2022 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 06.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 112,972 +04.3 Votes cast: 105,563 93.4 -00.7 Informal votes: 3,046 02.9 -00.1 Formal votes: 102,517 97.1 +00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Monique Ryan 41,303 40.3 Scott Hardiman UAP 1,011 01.0 -00.2 Alexandra Thom LDP 1,080 01.1 Michele Dale DHJP 177 00.2 Josh Coyne PHON 741 00.7 Will Anderson 265 00.3 Hon Josh Frydenberg * Lib 43,736 42.7 -06.5 Peter Lynch ALP 7,091 06.9 -10.6 Rachael Nehmer AJP 500 00.5 -00.7 Piers Mitchem Grn 6,461 06.3 -14.8 David Connolly AVP 152 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Connolly's 152 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 17 11.2 41,320 40.3 Hardiman 11 07.2 1,022 01.0 Thom 15 09.9 1,095 01.1 Dale 7 04.6 184 00.2 Coyne 15 09.9 756 00.7 Anderson 9 05.9 274 00.3 Frydenberg * 28 18.4 43,764 42.7 Lynch 10 06.6 7,101 06.9 Nehmer 11 07.2 511 00.5 Mitchem 29 19.1 6,490 06.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 152 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Dale's 184 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 35 19.0 41,355 40.3 Hardiman 11 06.0 1,033 01.0 Thom 18 09.8 1,113 01.1 Coyne 25 13.6 781 00.8 Anderson 10 05.4 284 00.3 Frydenberg * 35 19.0 43,799 42.7 Lynch 20 10.9 7,121 07.0 Nehmer 21 11.4 532 00.5 Mitchem 9 04.9 6,499 06.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 184 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Anderson's 284 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 101 35.6 41,456 40.4 Hardiman 20 07.0 1,053 01.0 Thom 22 07.8 1,135 01.1 Coyne 23 08.1 804 00.8 Frydenberg * 56 19.7 43,855 42.8 Lynch 24 08.5 7,145 07.0 Nehmer 19 06.7 551 00.5 Mitchem 19 06.7 6,518 06.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 284 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Nehmer's 551 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 131 23.8 41,587 40.6 Hardiman 21 03.8 1,074 01.1 Thom 31 05.6 1,166 01.1 Coyne 19 03.5 823 00.8 Frydenberg * 49 08.9 43,904 42.8 Lynch 52 09.4 7,197 07.0 Mitchem 248 45.0 6,766 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 551 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Coyne's 823 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 76 09.2 41,663 40.6 Hardiman 312 37.9 1,386 01.4 Thom 271 32.9 1,437 01.4 Frydenberg * 111 13.5 44,015 42.9 Lynch 28 03.4 7,225 07.1 Mitchem 25 03.0 6,791 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 823 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Hardiman's 1,386 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 247 17.8 41,910 40.9 Thom 709 51.2 2,146 02.1 Frydenberg * 297 21.4 44,312 43.2 Lynch 58 04.2 7,283 07.1 Mitchem 75 05.4 6,866 06.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,386 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Thom's 2,146 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 549 25.6 42,459 41.4 Frydenberg * 1,258 58.6 45,570 44.5 Lynch 226 10.5 7,509 07.3 Mitchem 113 05.3 6,979 06.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,146 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Mitchem's 6,979 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan 4,725 67.7 47,184 46.0 Frydenberg * 561 08.0 46,131 45.0 Lynch 1,693 24.3 9,202 09.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,979 102,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Lynch's 9,202 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN 7,092 77.1 54,276 52.9 Frydenberg * 2,110 22.9 48,241 47.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,202 102,517 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Joshua Anthony Frydenberg (born 1971): Elected 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019. Defeated 2022 Treasurer to 23 May 2023 Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party to 30 May 2022 > Monique Maree Ryan: Elected 2022 Born: Melbourne Career: Educated University of Melbourne. Paediatrician and neurologist. Director, Neurology Department, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. --------------------------------------------------------------------