INDI ==================================================================== Northern Vic: Alexandra, Benalla, Mansfield, Wangaratta, Wodonga -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Independent over Liberal 01.4 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change 2022 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 12.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 117,447 +04.3 Votes cast: 107,444 91.5 -02.1 Informal votes: 5,880 05.5 +01.1 Formal votes: 101,564 94.5 -01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Aleksov AJP 1,749 01.7 Dr Helen Haines * 41,319 40.7 +08.3 Lachlan O'Connell DHJP 1,074 01.1 -01.8 Stephen Williams UAP 2,558 02.5 -01.4 Beth Stevens PHON 5,366 05.3 Benjamin Gilbert Grn 3,626 03.6 -00.6 Liz Fisher Nat 3,854 03.8 -05.6 Nadia David ALP 8,723 08.6 -03.5 Julian Fidge LDP 2,300 02.3 Ross Lyman Lib 30,995 30.5 -04.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: O'Connell's 1,074 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Aleksov 152 14.2 1,901 01.9 Haines * 251 23.4 41,570 40.9 Williams 118 11.0 2,676 02.6 Stevens 272 25.3 5,638 05.6 Gilbert 54 05.0 3,680 03.6 Fisher 58 05.4 3,912 03.9 David 65 06.1 8,788 08.7 Fidge 22 02.1 2,322 02.3 Lyman 82 07.6 31,077 30.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,074 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Aleksov's 1,901 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haines * 837 44.0 42,407 41.8 Williams 183 09.6 2,859 02.8 Stevens 246 12.9 5,884 05.8 Gilbert 316 16.6 3,996 03.9 Fisher 54 02.8 3,966 03.9 David 125 06.6 8,913 08.8 Fidge 41 02.2 2,363 02.3 Lyman 99 05.2 31,176 30.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,901 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Fidge's 2,363 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haines * 249 10.5 42,656 42.0 Williams 470 19.9 3,329 03.3 Stevens 793 33.6 6,677 06.6 Gilbert 45 01.9 4,041 04.0 Fisher 137 05.8 4,103 04.0 David 84 03.6 8,997 08.9 Lyman 585 24.8 31,761 31.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,363 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Williams's 3,329 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haines * 480 14.4 43,136 42.5 Stevens 2,143 64.4 8,820 08.7 Gilbert 116 03.5 4,157 04.1 Fisher 204 06.1 4,307 04.2 David 123 03.7 9,120 09.0 Lyman 263 07.9 32,024 31.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,329 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Gilbert's 4,157 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haines * 2,277 54.8 45,413 44.7 Stevens 247 05.9 9,067 08.9 Fisher 265 06.4 4,572 04.5 David 1,135 27.3 10,255 10.1 Lyman 233 05.6 32,257 31.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,157 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Fisher's 4,572 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Haines * 647 14.2 46,060 45.4 Stevens 450 09.8 9,517 09.4 David 337 07.4 10,592 10.4 Lyman 3,138 68.6 35,395 34.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,572 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Stevens's 9,517 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAINES * 4,794 50.4 50,854 50.1 David 1,198 12.6 11,790 11.6 Lyman 3,525 37.0 38,920 38.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,517 101,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: David's 11,790 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAINES * 9,007 76.4 59,861 58.9 Lyman 2,783 23.6 41,703 41.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,790 101,564 08.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a swing of 7.5% from Liberal to independent. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Helen Mary Haines (born 1961): Elected 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------