HUME ==================================================================== Southern NSW: Boorowa, Camden, Crookwell, Goulburn, Picton -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 13.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 121,712 +04.6 Votes cast: 112,802 92.7 -01.4 Informal votes: 8,040 07.1 +00.6 Formal votes: 104,762 92.9 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Baines ALP 20,864 19.9 -06.7 Garry Dollin UAP 4,780 04.6 -00.2 Rebecca Thompson PHON 7,700 07.4 Sheneli Meneripitiyage Dona 1,124 01.1 Ross Seller SF&F 3,108 03.0 Karen Stewart Grn 5,194 05.0 -00.1 Hon Angus Taylor * Lib 45,177 43.1 -10.2 Joaquim De Lima LDP 770 00.7 Penny Ackery 16,045 15.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: De Lima's 770 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 44 05.7 20,908 20.0 Dollin 114 14.8 4,894 04.7 Thompson 144 18.7 7,844 07.5 Meneripitiyage Dona 15 02.0 1,139 01.1 Seller 76 09.9 3,184 03.0 Stewart 21 02.7 5,215 05.0 Taylor * 239 31.0 45,416 43.4 Ackery 117 15.2 16,162 15.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 770 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Meneripitiyage Dona's 1,139 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 144 12.6 21,052 20.1 Dollin 48 04.2 4,942 04.7 Thompson 88 07.7 7,932 07.6 Seller 100 08.8 3,284 03.1 Stewart 160 14.1 5,375 05.1 Taylor * 78 06.9 45,494 43.4 Ackery 521 45.7 16,683 15.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,139 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Seller's 3,284 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 412 12.6 21,464 20.5 Dollin 434 13.2 5,376 05.1 Thompson 953 29.0 8,885 08.5 Stewart 284 08.7 5,659 05.4 Taylor * 568 17.3 46,062 44.0 Ackery 633 19.3 17,316 16.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,284 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Dollin's 5,376 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 574 10.7 22,038 21.0 Thompson 2,724 50.7 11,609 11.1 Stewart 257 04.8 5,916 05.7 Taylor * 1,282 23.9 47,344 45.2 Ackery 539 10.0 17,855 17.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,376 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Stewart's 5,916 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 2,467 41.7 24,505 23.4 Thompson 454 07.7 12,063 11.5 Taylor * 658 11.1 48,002 45.8 Ackery 2,337 39.5 20,192 19.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,916 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Thompson's 12,063 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 2,486 20.6 26,991 25.8 Taylor * 3,653 30.3 51,655 49.3 Ackery 5,924 49.1 26,116 24.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,063 104,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Ackery's 26,116 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baines 17,304 66.3 44,295 42.3 TAYLOR * 8,812 33.7 60,467 57.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 26,116 104,762 07.7 05.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Angus James Taylor (born 1966): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction to 23 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------