HUGHES ==================================================================== Sydney: Heathcote, Holsworthy, Menai, Sutherland, Woronora -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 09.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 107,279 +01.1 Votes cast: 101,296 94.4 -00.4 Informal votes: 4,387 04.3 -00.8 Formal votes: 96,909 95.7 +00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jenny Ware + Lib 42,148 43.5 -09.7 Pete Thompson Grn 6,118 06.3 -00.6 Georgia Steele 13,891 14.3 Craig Kelly * UAP 7,186 07.4 +04.9 Narelle Seymour PHON 2,600 02.7 Linda Seymour 3,138 03.2 Riley Campbell ALP 21,828 22.5 -07.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 96,909 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly was elected for the Liberal Party in 2019. He joined the UAP in August 2021. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: N Seymour's 2,600 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ware + 517 19.9 42,665 44.0 Thompson 108 04.2 6,226 06.4 Steele 256 09.9 14,147 14.6 Kelly * 1,162 44.7 8,348 08.6 L Seymour 343 13.2 3,481 03.6 Campbell 214 08.2 22,042 22.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,600 96,909 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: L Seymour's 3,481 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ware + 477 13.7 43,142 44.5 Thompson 337 09.7 6,563 06.8 Steele 1,761 50.6 15,908 16.4 Kelly * 225 06.5 8,573 08.9 Campbell 681 19.6 22,723 23.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,481 96,909 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Thompson's 6,563 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ware + 640 09.8 43,782 45.2 Steele 2,622 40.0 18,530 19.1 Kelly * 290 04.4 8,863 09.2 Campbell 3,011 45.9 25,734 26.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,563 96,909 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Kelly's 8,863 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ware + 4,172 47.1 47,954 49.5 Steele 3,162 35.7 21,692 22.4 Campbell 1,529 17.3 27,263 28.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,863 96,909 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Steele's 21,692 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WARE + 7,290 33.6 55,244 57.0 Campbell 14,402 66.4 41,665 43.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 21,692 96,909 07.0 02.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Craig Kelly (born 1963): Elected 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019. Defeated 2022. > Jennifer Leslie Ware: Elected 2022 Born: Sydney Career: Lawyer. Legal counsel, Hurstville City Council, Georges River Council. --------------------------------------------------------------------