HAWKE ==================================================================== West of Melbourne: Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Diggers Rest, Melton, Sunbury -------------------------------------------------------------------- New seat 2022 notional two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 10.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 106,479 Votes cast: 94,905 89.1 Informal votes: 7,730 08.1 +02.6 Formal votes: 87,175 91.9 -02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Williams AFP 1,926 02.2 Michael Lacey GAP 1,827 02.1 Sam Rae + ALP 32,020 36.7 -07.4 Jarrod Bingham 6,908 07.9 Max Martucci TNL 1,432 01.6 Dr Enamul Haque Lib 22,960 26.3 -03.0 Lynda Wheelock Grn 7,785 08.9 +01.6 Nick Suduk PHON 4,872 05.6 +03.9 Glenn Vessey ACP 434 00.5 Jack Hynes VS 889 01.0 Andrew Cuthbertson UAP 6,131 07.0 +00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Vessey's 434 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Williams 27 06.2 1,953 02.2 Lacey 28 06.5 1,855 02.1 Rae + 43 09.9 32,063 36.8 Bingham 49 11.3 6,957 08.0 Martucci 18 04.2 1,450 01.7 Haque 28 06.5 22,988 26.4 Wheelock 35 08.1 7,820 09.0 Suduk 83 19.1 4,955 05.7 Hynes 80 18.4 969 01.1 Cuthbertson 43 09.9 6,174 07.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 434 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Hynes's 969 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Williams 53 05.5 2,006 02.3 Lacey 28 02.9 1,883 02.2 Rae + 127 13.1 32,190 36.9 Bingham 80 08.3 7,037 08.1 Martucci 65 06.7 1,515 01.7 Haque 31 03.2 23,019 26.4 Wheelock 399 41.2 8,219 09.4 Suduk 72 07.4 5,027 05.8 Cuthbertson 114 11.8 6,288 07.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 969 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Martucci's 1,515 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Williams 89 05.9 2,095 02.4 Lacey 85 05.6 1,968 02.3 Rae + 297 19.6 32,487 37.3 Bingham 564 37.2 7,601 08.7 Haque 135 08.9 23,154 26.6 Wheelock 241 15.9 8,460 09.7 Suduk 43 02.8 5,070 05.8 Cuthbertson 61 04.0 6,349 07.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,515 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Lacey's 1,968 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Williams 750 38.1 2,845 03.3 Rae + 222 11.3 32,709 37.5 Bingham 272 13.8 7,873 09.0 Haque 124 06.3 23,278 26.7 Wheelock 88 04.5 8,548 09.8 Suduk 287 14.6 5,357 06.1 Cuthbertson 225 11.4 6,574 07.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,968 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Williams's 2,845 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rae + 1,337 47.0 34,046 39.1 Bingham 747 26.3 8,620 09.9 Haque 162 05.7 23,440 26.9 Wheelock 130 04.6 8,678 10.0 Suduk 242 08.5 5,599 06.4 Cuthbertson 227 08.0 6,801 07.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,845 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Suduk's 5,599 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rae + 591 10.6 34,637 39.7 Bingham 1,058 18.9 9,678 11.1 Haque 620 11.1 24,060 27.6 Wheelock 362 06.5 9,040 10.4 Cuthbertson 2,968 53.0 9,769 11.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,599 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Wheelock's 9,040 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rae + 5,818 64.4 40,455 46.4 Bingham 1,652 18.3 11,330 13.0 Haque 804 08.9 24,864 28.5 Cuthbertson 766 08.5 10,535 12.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,040 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Cuthbertson's 10,535 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rae + 1,772 16.8 42,227 48.4 Bingham 5,117 48.6 16,447 18.9 Haque 3,646 34.6 28,510 32.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,535 87,175 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Bingham's 16,447 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RAE + 8,014 48.7 50,241 57.6 Haque 8,433 51.3 36,943 42.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,447 87,175 07.6 02.6 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel Thomas Rae: Elected 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------