FREMANTLE ==================================================================== Perth: Cockburn, Coolbellup, Fremantle, Hammond Park, Palmyra -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 06.9 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 116,783 +10.9 Votes cast: 104,078 89.1 -02.2 Informal votes: 6,025 05.8 +00.4 Formal votes: 98,053 94.2 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ben Tilbury GAP 2,293 02.3 Sam Wainwright SAll 1,184 01.2 +00.1 Cathy Gavranich AFP 1,367 01.4 Josh Wilson * ALP 43,111 44.0 +06.0 Stella Jinman UAP 2,000 02.0 +00.1 Bill Koul Lib 23,749 24.2 -10.8 Felicity Townsend Grn 17,790 18.1 +02.1 Yan Loh LDP 1,251 01.3 Janetia Knapp WAP 2,248 02.3 -00.3 William Edgar PHON 3,060 03.1 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Wainwright's 1,184 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilbury 87 07.4 2,380 02.4 Gavranich 58 04.9 1,425 01.5 Wilson * 222 18.8 43,333 44.2 Jinman 17 01.4 2,017 02.1 Koul 17 01.4 23,766 24.2 Townsend 707 59.7 18,497 18.9 Loh 12 01.0 1,263 01.3 Knapp 46 03.9 2,294 02.3 Edgar 18 01.5 3,078 03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,184 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Loh's 1,263 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilbury 64 05.1 2,444 02.5 Gavranich 85 06.7 1,510 01.5 Wilson * 164 13.0 43,497 44.4 Jinman 147 11.6 2,164 02.2 Koul 324 25.7 24,090 24.6 Townsend 143 11.3 18,640 19.0 Knapp 171 13.5 2,465 02.5 Edgar 165 13.1 3,243 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,263 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Gavranich's 1,510 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilbury 665 44.0 3,109 03.2 Wilson * 156 10.3 43,653 44.5 Jinman 140 09.3 2,304 02.4 Koul 96 06.4 24,186 24.7 Townsend 160 10.6 18,800 19.2 Knapp 129 08.5 2,594 02.7 Edgar 164 10.9 3,407 03.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,510 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Jinman's 2,304 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilbury 313 13.6 3,422 03.5 Wilson * 186 08.1 43,839 44.7 Koul 250 10.9 24,436 24.9 Townsend 168 07.3 18,968 19.3 Knapp 204 08.9 2,798 02.9 Edgar 1,183 51.4 4,590 04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,304 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Knapp's 2,798 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tilbury 607 21.7 4,029 04.1 Wilson * 610 21.8 44,449 45.3 Koul 465 16.6 24,901 25.4 Townsend 566 20.2 19,534 19.9 Edgar 550 19.7 5,140 05.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,798 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Tilbury's 4,029 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson * 1,076 26.7 45,525 46.4 Koul 549 13.6 25,450 26.0 Townsend 560 13.9 20,094 20.5 Edgar 1,844 45.8 6,984 07.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,029 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Edgar's 6,984 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson * 1,316 18.8 46,841 47.8 Koul 3,213 46.0 28,663 29.2 Townsend 2,455 35.2 22,549 23.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,984 98,053 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Townsend's 22,549 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WILSON * 18,744 83.1 65,585 66.9 Koul 3,805 16.9 32,468 33.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 22,549 98,053 16.9 10.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Joshua Hamilton Wilson (born 1972): Elected 2016. Resigned 2018. Elected 2018 by, 2019, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------