FOWLER ==================================================================== Sydney: Bossley Park, Cabramatta, Chipping Norton, Liverpool, Warwick Farm -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 14.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 108,429 Votes cast: 96,001 88.5 +01.8 Informal votes: 10,098 10.5 -02.6 Formal votes: 85,903 89.5 +02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Kristina Keneally + ALP 30,973 36.1 -18.5 Lela Panich UAP 5,512 06.4 +02.1 Peter Runge LDP 2,094 02.4 Dai Le 25,346 29.5 Courtney Nguyen Lib 14,740 17.2 -12.9 Tony Margos PHON 3,047 03.6 Avery Howard Grn 4,191 04.9 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 85,903 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally was NSW MLA for Heffron 2003-12, Premier of NSW 2009-11, and a Senator for NSW 2018-22. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Runge's 2,094 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally + 412 19.7 31,385 36.5 Panich 271 12.9 5,783 06.7 Le 357 17.1 25,703 29.9 Nguyen 839 40.1 15,579 18.1 Margos 143 06.8 3,190 03.7 Howard 72 03.4 4,263 05.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,094 85,903 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Margos's 3,190 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally + 324 10.2 31,709 36.9 Panich 1,497 46.9 7,280 08.5 Le 642 20.1 26,345 30.7 Nguyen 374 11.7 15,953 18.6 Howard 353 11.1 4,616 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,190 85,903 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Howard's 4,616 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally + 2,422 52.5 34,131 39.7 Panich 428 09.3 7,708 09.0 Le 1,144 24.8 27,489 32.0 Nguyen 622 13.5 16,575 19.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,616 85,903 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Panich's 7,708 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally + 1,853 24.0 35,984 41.9 Le 4,377 56.8 31,866 37.1 Nguyen 1,478 19.2 18,053 21.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,708 85,903 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Nguyen's 18,053 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keneally + 5,571 30.9 41,555 48.4 LE 12,482 69.1 44,348 51.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 18,053 85,903 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dai Trang Le: Elected 2022 Born: 1 April 1968 (as Le Trang Dai), Saigon, Vietnam Career: To Australia 1979. Educated Macquarie University, Sydney. Newspaper and television journalist. Liberal candidate for Cabramatta, 2008 and 2011. Fairfield City Council 2012-22. Suspended from Liberal Party 2016. --------------------------------------------------------------------