FADDEN, Queensland ==================================================================== 15 July 2023, following the resignation of Hon Stuart Robert -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Coast: Arundel, Helensvale, Labrador, Pacific Pines, Runaway Bay -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 10.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 131,259 +02.8 Votes cast: 95,221 72.5 -14.0 Informal votes: 6,473 06.8 +02.5 Formal votes: 88,748 93.2 -02.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Letitia Del Fabbro ALP 19,580 22.1 -00.3 Scott Turner Grn 5,477 06.2 -04.6 Chris Simpson Dems 589 00.7 Sandy Roach PHON 7,896 08.9 +00.2 Marnie Davis 895 01.0 Suzette Luyken LCA 6,424 07.2 Quentin Bye Sust 779 00.9 Kevin Young 641 00.7 Belinda Jones 931 01.1 Stewart Brooker 805 00.9 Jan Pukallus 570 00.7 Cameron Caldwell + Lib 43,554 49.1 +04.5 James Tayler 607 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Pukallus's 570 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 62 10.9 19,642 22.1 Turner 37 06.5 5,514 06.2 Simpson 21 03.7 610 00.7 Roach 75 13.2 7,971 09.0 Davis 10 01.8 905 01.0 Luyken 38 06.7 6,462 07.3 Bye 16 02.8 795 00.9 Young 25 04.4 666 00.8 Jones 135 23.7 1,066 01.2 Brooker 36 06.3 841 01.0 Caldwell + 78 13.7 43,632 49.2 Tayler 37 06.5 644 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 570 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Simpson's 610 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 95 15.6 19,737 22.2 Turner 90 14.8 5,604 06.3 Roach 111 18.2 8,082 09.1 Davis 36 05.9 941 01.1 Luyken 51 08.4 6,513 07.3 Bye 32 05.3 827 00.9 Young 27 04.4 693 00.8 Jones 19 03.1 1,085 01.2 Brooker 60 09.8 901 01.0 Caldwell + 67 11.0 43,699 49.2 Tayler 22 03.6 666 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 610 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Tayler's 666 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 67 10.1 19,804 22.3 Turner 26 03.9 5,630 06.3 Roach 217 32.6 8,299 09.4 Davis 10 01.5 951 01.1 Luyken 36 05.4 6,549 07.4 Bye 29 04.4 856 01.0 Young 35 05.3 728 00.8 Jones 17 02.6 1,102 01.2 Brooker 48 07.2 949 01.0 Caldwell + 181 27.2 43,880 49.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 666 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Young's 728 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 37 05.1 19,841 22.4 Turner 29 04.0 5,659 06.4 Roach 33 04.5 8,332 09.4 Davis 16 02.2 967 01.1 Luyken 24 03.3 6,573 07.4 Bye 39 05.4 895 01.0 Jones 438 60.2 1,540 01.7 Brooker 77 10.6 1,026 01.2 Caldwell + 35 04.8 43,915 49.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 728 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Bye's 895 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 95 10.6 19,936 22.5 Turner 188 21.0 5,847 06.6 Roach 95 10.6 8,427 09.5 Davis 98 11.0 1,065 01.2 Luyken 162 18.1 6,735 07.6 Jones 143 16.0 1,683 01.9 Brooker 56 06.3 1,082 01.2 Caldwell + 58 06.5 43,973 49.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 895 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Davis's 1,065 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 192 18.0 20,128 22.7 Turner 226 21.2 6,073 06.8 Roach 106 10.0 8,533 09.6 Luyken 292 27.4 7,027 07.9 Jones 112 10.5 1,795 02.0 Brooker 45 04.2 1,127 01.3 Caldwell + 92 08.6 44,065 49.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,065 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Brooker's 1,127 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 131 11.6 20,259 22.8 Turner 97 08.6 6,170 07.0 Roach 75 06.7 8,608 09.7 Luyken 70 06.2 7,097 08.0 Jones 629 55.8 2,424 02.7 Caldwell + 125 11.1 44,190 49.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,127 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Jones's 2,424 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 400 16.5 20,659 23.3 Turner 408 16.8 6,578 07.4 Roach 445 18.4 9,053 10.2 Luyken 656 27.1 7,753 08.7 CALDWELL + 515 21.3 44,705 50.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,424 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Turner's 6,578 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 3,585 54.5 24,244 27.3 Roach 496 07.5 9,549 10.8 Luyken 1,765 26.8 9,518 10.7 CALDWELL + 732 11.1 45,437 51.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,578 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Luyken's 9,518 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 4,012 42.2 28,256 31.8 Roach 3,049 32.0 12,598 14.2 CALDWELL + 2,457 25.8 47,894 54.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,518 88,748 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Roach's 12,598 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Del Fabbro 4,268 33.9 32,524 36.7 CALDWELL + 8,330 66.1 56,224 63.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,598 88,748 13.4 02.8 to LNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cameron Caldwell: Elected 2023 by Career: Lawyer. Gold Coast City Council 2012-23. --------------------------------------------------------------------