EDEN-MONARO ==================================================================== Southern NSW: Bega, Cooma, Queanbeyan, Tumut, Yass -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 00.9 2020 by-election two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 116,338 +02.0 Votes cast: 108,600 93.4 +00.1 Informal votes: 7,083 06.5 -00.3 Formal votes: 101,517 93.5 +00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- James Holgate Sust 2,260 02.2 Maxwell Holmes LDP 2,625 02.6 Kristy McBain * ALP 43,215 42.6 +03.4 Greg Butler AD 651 00.6 Darren Garnon UAP 2,566 02.5 -00.2 Dr Jerry Nockles Lib 33,520 33.0 -04.0 Vivian Harris Grn 9,376 09.2 +00.4 Toni McLennan IMOP 909 00.9 Andrew Thaler 2,044 02.0 Boyd Shannon PHON 4,351 04.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Butler's 651 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holgate 102 15.7 2,362 02.3 Holmes 60 09.2 2,685 02.6 McBain * 168 25.8 43,383 42.7 Garnon 50 07.7 2,616 02.6 Nockles 75 11.5 33,595 33.1 Harris 113 17.4 9,489 09.4 McLennan 18 02.8 927 00.9 Thaler 46 07.1 2,090 02.1 Shannon 19 02.9 4,370 04.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 651 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: McLennan's 927 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holgate 205 22.1 2,567 02.5 Holmes 93 10.0 2,778 02.7 McBain * 64 06.9 43,447 42.8 Garnon 120 12.9 2,736 02.7 Nockles 41 04.4 33,636 33.1 Harris 61 06.6 9,550 09.4 Thaler 198 21.4 2,288 02.3 Shannon 145 15.6 4,515 04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 927 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Thaler's 2,288 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holgate 410 17.9 2,977 02.9 Holmes 206 09.0 2,984 02.9 McBain * 370 16.2 43,817 43.2 Garnon 228 10.0 2,964 02.9 Nockles 239 10.5 33,875 33.4 Harris 314 13.7 9,864 09.7 Shannon 521 22.8 5,036 05.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,288 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Garnon's 2,964 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holgate 321 10.8 3,298 03.3 Holmes 620 20.9 3,604 03.6 McBain * 284 09.6 44,101 43.4 Nockles 356 12.0 34,231 33.7 Harris 124 04.2 9,988 09.8 Shannon 1,259 42.5 6,259 06.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,964 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Holgate's 3,298 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holmes 853 25.9 4,457 04.4 McBain * 785 23.8 44,886 44.2 Nockles 270 08.2 34,501 34.0 Harris 836 25.4 10,824 10.7 Shannon 554 16.8 6,849 06.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,298 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Holmes's 4,457 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBain * 1,155 25.9 46,041 45.4 Nockles 1,697 38.1 36,198 35.7 Harris 237 05.3 11,061 10.9 Shannon 1,368 30.7 8,217 08.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,457 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Shannon's 8,217 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBain * 2,260 27.5 48,301 47.6 Nockles 4,119 50.1 40,317 39.7 Harris 1,838 22.4 12,899 12.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,217 101,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Harris's 12,899 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBAIN * 10,782 83.6 59,083 58.2 Nockles 2,117 16.4 42,434 41.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,899 101,517 08.2 07.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kristy Louise McBain (born 1982): Elected 2020 by, 2022 Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories from 1 June 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------