DICKSON ==================================================================== Brisbane: Albany Creek, Bray Park, Dayboro, Ferny Hills, Kallangur -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 04.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 112,786 +04.3 Votes cast: 103,025 91.4 -02.3 Informal votes: 3,996 03.9 -00.5 Formal votes: 99,029 96.1 +00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Buchbach 2,222 02.2 Lloyd Russell LDP 1,236 01.3 Hon Peter Dutton * Lib 41,657 42.1 -03.9 Thor Prohaska 1,618 01.6 Tamera Gibson PHON 5,312 05.4 +00.2 Alina Ward UAP 2,717 02.7 +00.5 Ali France ALP 31,396 31.7 +00.4 Vinnie Batten Grn 12,871 13.0 +03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Russell's 1,236 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchbach 198 16.0 2,420 02.4 Dutton * 424 34.3 42,081 42.5 Prohaska 75 06.1 1,693 01.7 Gibson 237 19.2 5,549 05.6 Ward 126 10.2 2,843 02.9 France 90 07.3 31,486 31.8 Batten 86 07.0 12,957 13.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,236 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Prohaska's 1,693 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchbach 897 53.0 3,317 03.4 Dutton * 146 08.6 42,227 42.6 Gibson 155 09.2 5,704 05.8 Ward 84 05.0 2,927 03.0 France 203 12.0 31,689 32.0 Batten 208 12.3 13,165 13.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,693 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Ward's 2,927 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchbach 540 18.5 3,857 03.9 Dutton * 363 12.4 42,590 43.0 Gibson 1,449 49.5 7,153 07.2 France 297 10.2 31,986 32.3 Batten 278 09.5 13,443 13.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,927 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Buchbach's 3,857 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutton * 927 24.0 43,517 43.9 Gibson 1,436 37.2 8,589 08.7 France 551 14.3 32,537 32.9 Batten 943 24.5 14,386 14.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,857 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Gibson's 8,589 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutton * 4,707 54.8 48,224 48.7 France 1,726 20.1 34,263 34.6 Batten 2,156 25.1 16,542 16.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,589 99,029 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Batten's 16,542 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- DUTTON * 2,972 18.0 51,196 51.7 France 13,570 82.0 47,833 48.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,542 99,029 01.7 02.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Craig Dutton (born 1970): Elected 2001, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Minister for Defence to 23 May 2022 Leader of the Opposition from 30 May 2022 Leader of the Liberal Party from 30 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------