DEAKIN ==================================================================== Melbourne: Croydon, Forest Hill, Heathmont, Ringwood, Vermont -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 04.8 Effect of 2021 redistribution: 00.1 shift to Labor 2022 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 112,455 +04.7 Votes cast: 104,688 93.1 -01.3 Informal votes: 4,419 04.2 +00.2 Formal votes: 100,269 95.8 -00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt Gregg ALP 32,844 32.8 +00.4 Rob Humphreys Grn 13,904 13.9 +04.6 Qian Liu 1,271 01.3 Katherine Dolheguy AJP 1,650 01.7 Harrison Carr LDP 1,843 01.8 Hon Michael Sukkar * Lib 41,626 41.5 -06.2 Judith Thompson DHJP 1,080 01.1 -02.2 Bianca Gidley UAP 2,836 02.8 +00.8 Samantha Bastin AFP 909 00.9 Natasha Coughlan PHON 2,306 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Bastin's 909 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 83 09.1 32,927 32.8 Humphreys 54 05.9 13,958 13.9 Liu 44 04.8 1,315 01.3 Dolheguy 49 05.4 1,699 01.7 Carr 229 25.2 2,072 02.1 Sukkar * 115 12.7 41,741 41.6 Thompson 59 06.5 1,139 01.1 Gidley 133 14.6 2,969 03.0 Coughlan 143 15.7 2,449 02.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 909 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Thompson's 1,139 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 148 13.0 33,075 33.0 Humphreys 97 08.5 14,055 14.0 Liu 116 10.2 1,431 01.4 Dolheguy 176 15.5 1,875 01.9 Carr 86 07.6 2,158 02.2 Sukkar * 230 20.2 41,971 41.9 Gidley 113 09.9 3,082 03.1 Coughlan 173 15.2 2,622 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,139 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Liu's 1,431 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 299 20.9 33,374 33.3 Humphreys 353 24.7 14,408 14.4 Dolheguy 248 17.3 2,123 02.1 Carr 99 06.9 2,257 02.3 Sukkar * 209 14.6 42,180 42.1 Gidley 114 08.0 3,196 03.2 Coughlan 109 07.6 2,731 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,431 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Dolheguy's 2,123 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 427 20.1 33,801 33.7 Humphreys 925 43.6 15,333 15.3 Carr 142 06.7 2,399 02.4 Sukkar * 203 09.6 42,383 42.3 Gidley 205 09.7 3,401 03.4 Coughlan 221 10.4 2,952 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,123 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Carr's 2,399 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 228 09.5 34,029 33.9 Humphreys 221 09.2 15,554 15.5 Sukkar * 633 26.4 43,016 42.9 Gidley 529 22.1 3,930 03.9 Coughlan 788 32.9 3,740 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,399 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Coughlan's 3,740 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 257 06.9 34,286 34.2 Humphreys 259 06.9 15,813 15.8 Sukkar * 451 12.1 43,467 43.4 Gidley 2,773 74.1 6,703 06.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,740 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Coughlan's 3,740 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 257 06.9 34,286 34.2 Humphreys 259 06.9 15,813 15.8 Sukkar * 451 12.1 43,467 43.4 Gidley 2,773 74.1 6,703 06.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,740 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Gidley's 6,703 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 872 13.0 35,158 35.1 Humphreys 1,578 23.5 17,391 17.3 Sukkar * 4,253 63.5 47,720 47.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,703 100,269 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Humphreys's 17,391 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregg 14,789 85.0 49,947 49.8 SUKKAR * 2,608 15.0 50,322 50.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 17,391 100,269 00.2 04.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Sukkar (born 1981): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Assistant Treasurer to 23 May 2022 Minister for Housing to 23 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------