CORIO ==================================================================== Western Vic: Belmont, Geelong, Lara, Newtown, Norlane -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 10.3 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 112,517 +02.1 Votes cast: 102,285 90.9 -01.9 Informal votes: 5,341 05.2 +01.7 Formal votes: 96,944 94.8 -01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sue Bull SAll 2,444 02.5 Jessica Taylor AFP 1,080 01.1 Manish Patel Lib 23,822 24.6 -09.3 Simon Northeast Grn 14,450 14.9 +01.8 Robert Jones PHON 3,788 03.9 Naomi Adams AJP 2,350 02.4 Max Payne LDP 3,383 03.5 Shane Murdock UAP 4,781 04.9 -00.6 Hon Richard Marles * ALP 40,846 42.1 -05.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Taylor's 1,080 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bull 206 19.1 2,650 02.7 Patel 112 10.4 23,934 24.7 Northeast 141 13.1 14,591 15.1 Jones 148 13.7 3,936 04.1 Adams 98 09.1 2,448 02.5 Payne 201 18.6 3,584 03.7 Murdock 93 08.6 4,874 05.0 Marles * 81 07.5 40,927 42.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,080 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Adams's 2,448 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bull 345 14.1 2,995 03.1 Patel 179 07.3 24,113 24.9 Northeast 899 36.7 15,490 16.0 Jones 244 10.0 4,180 04.3 Payne 123 05.0 3,707 03.8 Murdock 231 09.4 5,105 05.3 Marles * 427 17.4 41,354 42.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,448 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bull's 2,995 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patel 785 26.2 24,898 25.7 Northeast 1,362 45.5 16,852 17.4 Jones 208 06.9 4,388 04.5 Payne 121 04.0 3,828 04.0 Murdock 142 04.7 5,247 05.4 Marles * 377 12.6 41,731 43.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,995 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Payne's 3,828 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patel 903 23.6 25,801 26.6 Northeast 246 06.4 17,098 17.6 Jones 851 22.2 5,239 05.4 Murdock 1,487 38.9 6,734 07.0 Marles * 341 08.9 42,072 43.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,828 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Jones's 5,239 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patel 727 13.9 26,528 27.4 Northeast 608 11.6 17,706 18.3 Murdock 3,245 61.9 9,979 10.3 Marles * 659 12.6 42,731 44.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,239 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Murdock's 9,979 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patel 5,501 55.1 32,029 33.0 Northeast 2,244 22.5 19,950 20.6 Marles * 2,234 22.4 44,965 46.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,979 96,944 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Northeast's 19,950 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patel 3,996 20.0 36,025 37.2 MARLES * 15,954 80.0 60,919 62.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,950 96,944 12.8 02.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Donald Marles (born 1967): Elected 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party Deputy Leader of the Opposition to 23 May 2022 Deputy Prime Minister from 23 May 2022 Minister for Employment 23 May 2022 to 1 June 2022 Minister for Defence from 1 June 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------