COOPER ==================================================================== Melbourne: Bundoora, Northcote, Preston, Reservoir, Thornbury -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-candidate majority: Labor over Greens 14.6 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change 2022 notional two-party majority: Labor over Liberals 26.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 108,610 -01.8 Votes cast: 97,919 90.2 -02.3 Informal votes: 4,169 04.2 -00.7 Formal votes: 93,750 95.8 +00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rabin Bangaar AJP 2,207 02.4 -00.2 Kath Larkin VS 3,250 03.5 -00.8 Celeste Liddle Grn 25,648 27.4 +06.4 Adrian Whitehead Fus 1,585 01.7 Jadon Atkinson Lib 15,329 16.4 -03.2 Adam La Rosa UAP 4,170 04.5 +02.5 William Turner PHON 2,807 03.0 Ged Kearney * ALP 38,754 41.3 -05.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Whitehead's 1,585 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bangaar 252 15.9 2,459 02.6 Larkin 289 18.2 3,539 03.8 Liddle 604 38.1 26,252 28.0 Atkinson 104 06.6 15,433 16.5 La Rosa 66 04.2 4,236 04.5 Turner 41 02.6 2,848 03.0 Kearney * 229 14.5 38,983 41.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,585 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Bangaar's 2,459 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Larkin 803 32.7 4,342 04.6 Liddle 778 31.6 27,030 28.8 Atkinson 191 07.8 15,624 16.7 La Rosa 180 07.3 4,416 04.7 Turner 126 05.1 2,974 03.2 Kearney * 381 15.5 39,364 42.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,459 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Turner's 2,974 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Larkin 225 07.6 4,567 04.9 Liddle 129 04.3 27,159 20.0 Atkinson 311 10.5 15,935 17.0 La Rosa 2,017 67.8 6,433 06.9 Kearney * 292 09.8 39,656 42.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,974 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Larkin's 4,567 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Liddle 3,503 76.7 30,662 32.7 Atkinson 150 03.3 16,085 17.2 La Rosa 369 08.1 6,802 07.3 Kearney * 545 11.9 40,201 42.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,567 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: La Rosa's 6,802 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Liddle 1,731 25.5 32,393 34.6 Atkinson 3,351 49.3 19,436 20.7 Kearney * 1,720 25.3 41,921 44.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,802 93,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Atkinson's 19,436 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Liddle 6,351 32.7 38,744 41.3 KEARNEY * 13,085 67.3 55,006 58.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,436 93,750 08.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a swing of 6.1% from Labor to Greens. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerardine Kearney (born 1963): Elected 2018 by, 2019, 2022 Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care from 1 June 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------