CASEY ==================================================================== Melbourne: Belgrave, Lilydale, Monbulk, Mooroolbark, Warburton -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 04.6 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 114,277 +00.9 Votes cast: 106,273 93.0 -01.2 Informal votes: 6,652 06.3 -00.2 Formal votes: 99,621 93.7 +00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jenny Game Grn 12,894 12.9 +02.0 Craig Cole 3,455 03.5 Andrew Klop AJP 1,844 01.9 -01.2 Aaron Violi + Lib 36,347 36.5 -08.8 Bill Brindle ALP 24,779 24.9 -03.8 Paul Murphy PHON 3,260 03.3 Chris Field AFP 687 00.7 Trevor Smith LDP 2,008 02.0 Peter Sullivan DHJP 1,207 01.2 -02.1 Anthony Bellve UAP 4,834 04.9 +02.2 Claire Ferres Miles 8,307 08.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Field's 687 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 15 02.2 12,909 13.0 Cole 69 10.1 3,524 03.5 Klop 18 02.6 1,862 01.9 Violi + 61 08.9 36,408 36.6 Brindle 27 03.9 24,806 24.9 Murphy 147 21.4 3,407 03.4 Smith 136 19.8 2,144 02.2 Sullivan 19 02.8 1,226 01.2 Bellve 155 22.6 4,989 05.0 Ferres Miles 39 05.7 8,346 08.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 687 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Sullivan's 1,226 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 91 07.4 13,000 13.1 Cole 109 08.9 3,633 03.7 Klop 158 12.9 2,020 02.0 Violi + 168 13.7 36,576 36.7 Brindle 145 11.8 24,951 25.1 Murphy 206 16.8 3,613 03.6 Smith 53 04.3 2,197 02.2 Bellve 128 10.4 5,117 05.1 Ferres Miles 168 13.7 8,514 08.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,226 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Klop's 2,020 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 701 34.7 13,701 13.8 Cole 229 11.3 3,862 03.9 Violi + 197 09.8 36,773 36.9 Brindle 318 15.7 25,269 25.4 Murphy 179 08.9 3,792 03.8 Smith 48 02.4 2,245 02.3 Bellve 102 05.1 5,219 05.2 Ferres Miles 246 12.2 8,760 08.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,020 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Smith's 2,245 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 99 04.4 13,800 13.9 Cole 191 08.5 4,053 04.1 Violi + 470 20.9 37,243 37.4 Brindle 114 05.1 25,383 25.5 Murphy 598 26.6 4,390 04.4 Bellve 641 28.6 5,860 05.9 Ferres Miles 132 05.9 8,892 08.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,245 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Cole's 4,053 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 406 10.0 14,206 14.3 Violi + 377 09.3 37,620 37.8 Brindle 263 06.5 25,646 25.7 Murphy 779 19.2 5,169 05.2 Bellve 1,217 30.0 7,077 07.1 Ferres Miles 1,011 24.9 9,903 09.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,053 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Murphy's 5,169 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 281 05.4 14,487 14.5 Violi + 680 13.2 38,300 38.5 Brindle 403 07.8 26,049 26.2 Bellve 3,145 60.8 10,222 10.3 Ferres Miles 660 12.8 10,563 10.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,169 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Bellve's 10,222 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 596 05.8 15,083 15.1 Violi + 4,551 44.5 42,851 43.0 Brindle 678 06.6 26,727 26.8 Ferres Miles 4,397 43.0 14,960 15.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,222 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Ferres Miles's 14,960 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game 8,014 53.6 23,097 23.2 Violi + 3,380 22.6 46,231 46.4 Brindle 3,566 23.8 30,293 30.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,960 99,621 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Game's 23,097 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- VIOLI + 5,052 21.9 51,283 51.5 Brindle 18,045 78.1 48,338 48.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 23,097 99,621 01.5 03.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron Violi: Elected 2022 Born: Melbourne (of Italian parents) Career: Educated La Trobe University, Deakin University (MBA). Sales executive. Staffer to Senator James Paterson. --------------------------------------------------------------------