CAPRICORNIA ==================================================================== Central Qld: Kawana, Moranbah, Rockhampton, Sarina, Yeppoon -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Nationals over Labor 12.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 108,569 +06.0 Votes cast: 96,196 88.6 -04.0 Informal votes: 5,904 06.1 -00.2 Formal votes: 90,292 93.9 +00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kylee Stanton PHON 13,179 14.6 -02.4 Paula Ganfield IMOP 1,126 01.3 Mick Jones Grn 5,302 05.9 +01.0 Russell Robertson ALP 25,330 28.1 +04.3 Steve Murphy LDP 1,392 01.5 Ken Murray 3,048 03.9 Nathan Harding UAP 3,555 03.9 +00.3 Hon Michelle Landry * Nat 35,613 39.4 -01.2 Zteven Whitty GAP 1,747 01.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 90,292 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Ganfield's 1,126 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 272 24.2 13,451 14.9 Jones 141 12.5 5,443 06.0 Robertson 78 06.9 24,408 28.1 Murphy 55 04.9 1,447 01.6 Murray 195 17.3 3,243 03.6 Harding 57 05.1 3,612 04.0 Landry * 52 04.6 35,665 39.5 Whitty 276 24.5 2,023 02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,126 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Murphy's 1,447 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 302 20.9 13,753 15.2 Jones 85 05.9 5,528 06.1 Robertson 158 10.9 25,566 28.3 Murray 200 13.8 3,443 03.8 Harding 197 13.6 3,809 04.2 Landry * 424 29.3 36,089 40.0 Whitty 81 05.6 2,104 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,447 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Whitty's 2,104 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 635 30.2 14,388 15.9 Jones 83 03.9 5,611 06.2 Robertson 73 03.5 25,639 28.4 Murray 425 20.2 3,868 04.3 Harding 691 32.8 4,500 05.0 Landry * 197 09.4 36,286 40.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,104 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Murray's 3,868 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 1,156 29.9 15,544 17.2 Jones 575 14.9 6,186 06.9 Robertson 704 18.2 26,343 29.2 Harding 844 21.8 5,344 05.9 Landry * 589 15.2 36,875 40.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,868 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Harding's 5,344 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 3,445 64.5 18,989 21.0 Jones 408 07.6 6,594 07.3 Robertson 531 09.9 28,864 29.8 Landry * 960 18.0 37,835 41.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,344 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Jones's 6,594 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 1,408 21.4 20,397 22.6 Robertson 4,204 63.8 31,078 34.4 Landry * 982 14.9 38,817 43.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,594 104,247 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Stanton's 20,397 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robertson 8,118 39.8 39,196 43.4 LANDRY * 12,279 60.2 51,096 56.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 20,397 104,247 06.6 05.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michelle Leanne Landry (born 1962): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022 Assistant Minister for Children and Families to 23 May 2022 Assistant Minister for Regional Tourism to 23 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------