CANNING ==================================================================== South of Perth: Byford, Halls Head, Mandurah, Pinjarra, Roleystone -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 11.6 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 115,165 +07.6 Votes cast: 100,822 87.6 -02.7 Informal votes: 6,558 06.5 +00.5 Formal votes: 94,264 93.5 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Andrew Hastie * Lib 41,294 43.8 -05.4 Amanda Hunt ALP 30,897 32.7 +05.2 Tammi Siwes PHON 4,215 04.5 -02.6 Anthony Gardyne AFP 628 00.7 James Waldeck UAP 2,438 02.6 +00.3 Brad Bedford WAP 2,202 02.4 -00.4 Judith Congrene IMOP 785 00.8 Jodie Moffat Grn 7,659 08.1 +00.6 Ashley Williams 1,708 01.8 Andriette Du Plessis AC 1,689 01.8 -00.2 David Gardiner LDP 749 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Gardyne's 628 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 25 04.0 41,319 43.8 Hunt 26 04.1 30,923 32.8 Siwes 100 15.9 4,315 04.6 Waldeck 66 10.5 2,504 02.7 Bedford 67 10.7 2,269 02.4 Congrene 222 35.4 1,007 01.1 Moffat 25 04.0 7,684 08.2 Williams 46 07.3 1,754 01.9 Du Plessis 19 03.0 1,708 01.8 Gardiner 32 05.1 781 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 628 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Gardiner's 781 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 173 22.2 41,492 44.0 Hunt 38 04.9 30,961 32.8 Siwes 125 16.0 4,440 04.7 Waldeck 98 12.6 2,602 02.7 Bedford 69 08.8 2,338 02.5 Congrene 54 06.9 1,061 01.1 Moffat 43 05.5 7,727 08.2 Williams 69 08.8 1,823 01.9 Du Plessis 112 14.3 1,820 01.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 781 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Congrene's 1,061 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 41 03.9 41,533 44.1 Hunt 58 05.5 31,019 32.9 Siwes 218 20.6 4,658 04.9 Waldeck 149 14.0 2,751 02.9 Bedford 142 13.4 2,480 02.6 Moffat 96 09.1 7,823 08.3 Williams 248 23.4 2,071 02.2 Du Plessis 109 10.3 1,929 02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,061 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Du Plessis's 1,929 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 1,148 59.5 42,681 45.3 Hunt 75 03.9 31,094 33.0 Siwes 246 12.8 4,904 05.2 Waldeck 94 04.9 2,845 03.0 Bedford 92 04.8 2,572 02.7 Moffat 61 03.2 7,884 08.4 Williams 213 11.0 2,284 02.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,929 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Williams's 2,284 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 176 07.7 42,857 45.5 Hunt 161 07.1 31,255 33.2 Siwes 433 19.0 5,337 05.7 Waldeck 582 25.5 3,427 03.6 Bedford 512 22.4 3,084 03.3 Moffat 420 18.4 8,304 08.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,284 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Bedford's 3,084 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 607 19.7 43,464 46.1 Hunt 617 20.0 31,872 33.8 Siwes 722 23.4 6,059 06.4 Waldeck 546 17.7 3,978 04.2 Moffat 592 19.2 8,896 09.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,084 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Waldeck's 3,978 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastie * 396 10.0 43,860 46.5 Hunt 228 05.7 32,100 34.1 Siwes 2,898 72.9 8,957 09.5 Moffat 451 11.4 9,347 09.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,978 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Siwes's 8,957 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HASTIE * 3,577 39.9 47,437 50.3 Hunt 1,689 18.9 33,789 35.9 Moffat 3,961 41.2 13,038 13.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,957 94,264 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Moffat's 13,038 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HASTIE * 3,076 23.6 50,513 53.6 Hunt 9,962 76.4 43,751 46.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,038 94,264 03.6 08.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Hastie (born 1982): Elected 2015 by, 2016, 2019, 2022 Assistant Minister for Defence to 23 May 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------