BRAND ==================================================================== South of Perth: Parmelia, Rockingham, Safety Bay, Secret Harbour, Warnbro -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 two-party majority: Labor over Liberal 06.7 Effect of 2021 redistribution: No change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 118,102 +10.5 Votes cast: 102,232 86.6 -02.0 Informal votes: 6,551 06.4 +00.1 Formal votes: 95,681 93.6 -00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Madeleine KING * ALP 48,031 50.2 +09.8 Malcolm Heffernan AFP 598 00.6 Peter Hudson Lib 21,056 22.0 -07.8 David Pike UAP 2,711 02.8 -00.1 Heather Lonsdale Grn 10,900 11.4 +00.3 Jayne Crichton AC 2,090 02.2 -00.9 Michael O'Loghlen WAP 2,592 02.7 +00.0 Alison Marshall LDP 1,074 01.1 Andrew Gleeson GAP 1,490 01.6 Jake Taylor PHON 5,139 05.4 -03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Heffernan's 598 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 92 15.4 48,123 50.3 Hudson 69 11.5 21,125 22.1 Pike 73 12.2 2,784 02.9 Lonsdale 41 06.9 10,941 11.4 Crichton 42 07.0 2,132 02.2 O'Loghlen 64 10.7 2,656 02.8 Marshall 35 05.9 1,109 01.2 Gleeson 129 21.6 1,619 01.7 Taylor 53 08.9 5,192 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 598 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Marshall's 1,109 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 146 13.2 48,269 50.5 Hudson 268 24.2 21,393 22.4 Pike 125 11.3 2,909 03.0 Lonsdale 75 06.8 11,016 11.5 Crichton 49 04.4 2,181 02.3 O'Loghlen 116 10.5 2,772 02.9 Gleeson 114 10.3 1,733 01.8 Taylor 216 19.5 5,408 05.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,109 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Gleeson's 1,733 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 85 04.9 48,354 50.5 Hudson 36 02.1 21,429 22.4 Pike 368 21.2 3,277 03.4 Lonsdale 69 04.0 11,085 11.6 Crichton 146 08.4 2,327 02.4 O'Loghlen 297 17.1 3,069 03.2 Taylor 732 42.2 6,140 06.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,733 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Crichton's 2,327 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 252 10.8 48,606 50.8 Hudson 667 28.7 22,096 23.1 Pike 547 23.5 3,824 04.0 Lonsdale 168 07.2 11,253 11.8 O'Loghlen 242 10.4 3,311 03.5 Taylor 451 19.4 6,591 06.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,327 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: O'Loghlen's 3,311 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 856 25.9 49,462 51.7 Hudson 522 15.8 22,618 23.6 Pike 401 12.1 4,225 04.4 Lonsdale 690 20.8 11,943 12.5 Taylor 842 25.4 7,433 07.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,311 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Pike's 4,225 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 459 10.9 49,921 52.2 Hudson 836 19.8 23,454 24.5 Lonsdale 451 10.7 12,394 13.0 Taylor 2,479 58.7 9,912 10.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,225 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Taylor's 9,912 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 2,201 22.2 52,122 54.5 Hudson 3,742 37.8 27,196 28.4 Lonsdale 3,969 40.0 16,363 17.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,912 95,681 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Lonsdale's 16,363 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KING * 11,707 71.6 63,829 66.7 Hudson 4,656 28.5 31,852 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,363 95,681 16.7 10.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Madeleine Mary Harvie King (born 1973): Elected 2016, 2019, 2022 Minister for Resources from 1 June 2022 Minister for Northern Australia from 1 June 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------