SWAN, WA ==================================================================== Perth: Belmont, Cannington, High Wycombe, South Perth, Welshpool -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 03.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 100,857 +03.7 Votes cast: 89,333 88.6 +01.8 Informal votes: 5,196 05.8 +02.2 Formal votes: 84,137 94.2 -02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Steve Irons * Lib 37,591 44.7 -03.5 Steve Klomp AChr 1,450 01.7 -02.1 Virginia Thomas-Wurth AJP 1,304 01.6 Carmel Addink FACNP 599 00.7 Sharron Hawkins Zeeb WAP 1,102 01.3 Liberty Cramer Grn 10,367 12.3 -02.7 Michael Chehoff 251 00.3 Peter McLernon UAP 1,482 01.8 Tshung-Hui Chang PHON 2,038 02.4 Hannah Beazley ALP 27,953 33.2 +00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Beazley was the daughter of Hon Kim C Beazley, MHR for Swan 1980-96, and grand-daughter of Hon Kim E Beazley MHR. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Chehoff's 251 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 22 08.8 37,613 44.7 Klomp 9 03.6 1,459 01.7 Thomas-Wurth 12 04.8 1,316 01.6 Addink 18 07.2 617 00.7 Hawkins Zeeb 43 17.1 1,145 01.4 Cramer 23 09.2 10,390 12.4 McLernon 58 23.1 1,540 01.8 Chang 44 17.5 2,082 02.5 Beazley 22 08.8 27,975 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 251 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Addink's 617 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 89 14.4 37,702 44.8 Klomp 81 13.1 1,540 01.8 Thomas-Wurth 44 07.1 1,360 01.6 Hawkins Zeeb 58 09.4 1,203 01.4 Cramer 21 03.4 10,411 13.6 McLernon 76 12.3 1,616 01.9 Chang 223 36.1 2,305 02.7 Beazley 25 04.1 28,000 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 617 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Hawkins Zeeb's 1,203 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 272 22.6 37,974 45.1 Klomp 79 06.6 1,619 01.9 Thomas-Wurth 186 15.5 1,546 01.8 Cramer 243 20.2 10,654 12.7 McLernon 113 09.4 1,729 02.1 Chang 124 10.3 2,429 02.9 Beazley 186 15.5 28,186 33.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,203 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Thomas-Wurth's 1,546 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 208 13.5 38,182 45.5 Klomp 159 10.3 1,778 02.1 Cramer 748 48.4 11,402 13.6 McLernon 93 06.0 1,822 02.2 Chang 114 07.4 2,543 03.0 Beazley 224 14.5 28,410 33.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,546 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Klomp's 1,778 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 1,092 61.4 39,274 46.7 Cramer 213 12.0 11,615 13.8 McLernon 135 07.6 1,957 02.3 Chang 169 09.5 2,712 03.2 Beazley 169 09.5 28,579 34.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,778 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: McLernon's 1,957 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 788 40.3 40,062 47.6 Cramer 259 13.2 11,874 14.1 Chang 702 35.9 3,414 04.1 Beazley 208 10.6 28,787 34.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,957 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Chang's 3,414 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Irons * 1,627 47.7 41,689 49.6 Cramer 842 24.7 12,716 15.1 Beazley 945 27.7 29,732 35.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,414 84,137 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Cramer's 12,716 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- IRONS * 2,644 20.8 44,333 52.7 Beazley 10,072 79.2 39,804 47.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,716 84,137 02.7 00.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen James Irons (born 1958): Elected 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister to 29 May 2019 Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and Apprenticeships from 29 May 2019 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