BOOTHBY, SA ==================================================================== Adelaide: Ascot Park, Brighton, Eden Hills, Glenelg, Mitcham -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 02.8 Effect of 2018 redistribution: 00.1 shift to Labor 2019 notional two-party majority: Liberal over Labor 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 123,949 +15.5 Votes cast: 116,030 93.6 +00.7 Informal votes: 5,453 04.7 +00.6 Formal votes: 110,577 95.3 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Russell AJP 2,675 02.4 +01.0 Stef Rozitis Grn 13,224 12.0 +03.8 Adrian Cheok FACNP 868 00.8 Carol Wong RUA 603 00.6 Nicolle Flint * Lib 49,973 45.2 +03.5 Nadia Clancy ALP 38,297 34.6 +07.7 Peter Salerno UAP 2,094 01.9 Trevor Jones 2,843 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Wong's 603 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell 65 10.8 2,740 02.5 Rozitis 79 13.1 13,303 12.0 Cheok 82 13.6 950 00.9 Flint * 151 25.0 50,124 45.3 Clancy 104 17.3 38,401 34.7 Salerno 62 10.3 2,156 02.0 Jones 60 10.0 2,903 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Cheok's 950 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell 126 13.3 2,866 02.6 Rozitis 70 07.4 13,373 12.1 Flint * 302 31.8 50,426 45.6 Clancy 47 05.0 38,448 34.8 Salerno 292 30.7 2,448 02.2 Jones 113 11.9 3,016 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 950 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Salerno's 2,448 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell 256 10.5 3,122 02.8 Rozitis 209 08.5 13,582 12.3 Flint * 1,039 42.4 51,465 46.5 Clancy 291 11.9 38,739 35.5 Jones 653 26.7 3,669 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,448 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Russell's 3,122 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rozitis 1,693 54.2 15,275 13.8 Flint * 385 12.3 51,850 46.9 Clancy 462 14.8 39,201 35.5 Jones 582 18.6 4,251 03.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,122 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Jones's 4,251 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rozitis 1,699 40.0 16,974 15.4 Flint * 1,277 30.0 53,127 48.1 Clancy 1,275 30.0 40,476 36.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,251 110,577 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Rozitis's 16,974 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT * 3,685 21.7 56,812 51.4 Clancy 13,289 78.3 53,765 48.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,974 110,577 01.4 01.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolle Jane Flint (born 1978): Elected 2016, 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------